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  1. Hi everybody , i am new to this forum and was looking for help with my problem with link finance . It all started back in 1996 with my wife and i purchasing new double glazing from local company and finance through first national bank the installation was thwart with problems from windows that would not shut correctly or lock, cracked sill and front door letting in water when it rained. We complained numerous times to company and first national with promises of all faults to be rectified believe me this was a a real joke. First national sent guy out with clip board had a look at all problems and agreed about the faults and said will have company back the same week to rectify, this also did not happen at this point payments were still being made to first national. This continued for about another 3 months with nothing being resolved so wrote to first stating that if repairs are not done within 4 weeks then i will withhold payment so i did , and this continued for about a year and then first sent a surveyor who wrote a longer list of faults than i had, great i thought solution at last...wrong. First national took me to court for default £3000 then after a while passed it to Link to cut a long story short Link added over £3000 interest in 2004 but court order states any interest must be added within 5 years of order not 7 years and now put our balance at over £5000 but we did have it corrected by link but they have now sent further statement reverting our balance back to over £5000 so please can anybody help with advice we are tearing our hair out and sorry for long story, please note balance had being changing with payments made...Thanks
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