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Everything posted by angieby

  1. I too purchased a car 2 weeks ago from Lancashire Diesel centre . Although supplied with 12 months MOT it has a string of faults which will cost me hundreds to put right. When I contacted previous owner I was informed car had been a write-off twice! of course I was never informed of this when purchasing the car. When you buy from a dealer you expect things like this to be advised to you. I contacted Mr Long and again not interested put the phone down and advised me never to contact him again! I am outraged!
  2. I will get those letters sent off tommorow. i'm sorry i dont have a scanner to copy the letter from wecsco,t thanks again.
  3. hi as far as i can remember the business account was my name t/a my shop name. I informed Natwest of business closure after a couple of months. My hope originally was to try and clear off bit by bit but all i was managing to do was keep up with interest . When i informed them of closure they froze the account and asked me to fill a form showing my income and expenditure which as I said earlier showed i had more going out then coming in. After that i didnt hear anything till the letters from wescot saying they are acting on behalf of natwest retail? Thanks for helping me with this its much appreciated.
  4. hi I have checked my credit report and there is no mention of this debt as yet? Will it be added on there if i dont deal with wescot? Thanks
  5. hi yes this was a business account overdraft . I guess I did guarantee it - not too sure? my letters from wescot only say my first name then my old shop name? although coming to my home address. I will check my credit file tonight and post my findings! Thank you all
  6. thanks bazooka boo -I dont think much of it is fees to be honest . I was about up to my maximum of 5K and the debt they are chasing is 5.2k . Thanks Jogs - If I ignore everything till I get court papers what happens then? Will the court insist I pay it all at once or bailiffs etc ? Thanks guys I really appreciate this advice - I have been losing a lot of sleep over this
  7. citizenb -when my shop closed 2 1/2 years ago natwest called me at the time I was asked to fill a form in which basically proved I had more liabilities going out than income coming in! I never heard from them again . till now with Wescot claiming to be acting on behalf of natwest retail.
  8. thank you for getting back to me 'I hate bailiffs' - Me too! how can I avoid a ccj? I really cannot afford to pay this back. What should my next course of action be? I dont really want to call them. If I send a letter what should I be asking? I have seen a lot on here about debt collector chasing loans etc but not overdrafts is an overdraft an enforcable debt? I dont remember signing a a credit agreement? Thanks
  9. Hi I havent posted on here before so please bear with me . I owned my own fashion store which closed 2 1/2 years ago leaving various debts which are pretty much cleared . Now after all this time I have received communications from a company called wescot credit servcies ltd . They are chasing an overdraft I had on my Natwest business account of £5000 , I had not heard from Natwest since my shop closed so I figured the debt was liable with the business rather than me. I was not a limited company so initially could not understand why natwest didnt chase me up? I am now unemployed and caring for my dad & 3 daughters struggling to make ends meet. I have received 2 letters from wescot asking for immediate payment of the 5k! I have ignored both letters but I am now very worried as the second letter threatens a door step collector and/or court proc eedings. They havn't tried to call me although I am expecting this as I guess Natwest will have a record of my home phone number. What do I say if they do? can anyone please advise me what to do next? If you need anymore info please ask. Thank you so much for reading
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