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  1. I'm writing to them today to inform them that I am going to approach the FSA. Is there anything I should know about what to say? Tom
  2. Hi there, Thanks for the reply, are you referring to the letter on page 8 of the guide or a new template that I can't see. Many thanks, Tom
  3. Hi, I have been following this thread as I am having a similar problem with Santander. I have used your guide copying the first letter (page 8) to Mr G Rymer, head of collections at Santander outlining my situation and, asking yet again for help. To précis my current situation, I was ran over by a negligent driver in december 2011. This has left me with a spine injury, I am awaiting the outcome of this month's MRI scan followed by an operation to fuse the lower part. The driver has accepted liability though my solicitor having problems getting an interim payment from the driver's insurance company. As I say, I wrote to them asking for help using the template on page 8 of the guidelines though the response I received is as follows: Firstly they thanked me for my communication. "Please contact one of my advisors on the telephone number shown above in order to resolve this matter promptly". Then the usual warnings in capital letters. I can only assume that he refers to "resolving the matter promptly", to the arrears amount at the start of his response. I have been in constant contact with Santander, and have made payments on my mortgage via credit card transfers via my current account. I have never missed a payment on my mortgage until last month. Now that my credit cards are now on their limit and my overdraft is depleted, I borrowed a, one-off, small amount of money from my sister. Where can I go now? I wasn't planning on being in this temporarily disabled state for quite so long and, I have lost my business. The Insurance company has been issued with county court papers, the case is with the Bristol District Judge. Many thanks, Tom Bennett
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