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Everything posted by hunkysoldier

  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/08/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  4. well, over a month since i received my copy of bank statements as part of my DPA request and despite the fact my LBA has already been sent, yesterday i received through the post a whole bundle of random screen prints from Natwest, again apparantly as part of my DPA. It only covers stuff from 1997 - 2002 though and to be honest seems totally irrelevant to my claim. I think they are trying to confuse me again! It basically seems that its a system generated note each time they sent me a letter saying i was over my O/D limit etc. has anyone else received this kind of thing from Natwest as part of their DPA / SAR disclosure? Does it serve a purpose? As far as i can tell it won't affect my claim in the slightest, just don't want to be missing something important. Incidently i recieved that precisely 40 days after my DPA request. Coincidence?
  5. Yesterday i receieved a letter from a firm of solicitors (debt collectors more like) telling me that they are currently mananging a debt i have worth £2500 or so. It was basically a Goldfish credit card i defaulted on about 4 years ago and have not paid a penny on since. However, in this letter (the first from them) it says that if i pay the debt within the next 14 days they will wipe 40% off the amount owed so i only have to give them £1400 odd. Now, its irrelevant anyway as i have no way of getting £1400 in two weeks but i was just curious - has anyone else had this happen to them? has anyone else been offered to have nearly half of their debt wiped off if they agree to pay it back? or is it just a dubious tactic to get me to confirm my address etc to them? Also, in another thread in this 'general' forum (posted by lueeze) someone mentioned something about debts 'being out of date'. can a debt ever become out of date? and if so, how long does that take? considering that a great deal of the above balance has come from illegal charges i am in no rush to pay it back! any advice / replies would be very gratefully received.
  6. Today i received a response from Stuart Higley in relation to my letter before action. Unsuprisingly, it was another 'get lost' letter but i'll post it here so people can judge his / the banks response: "Thank you for your letter of xxxx. I am sorry that you remain unhappy after my letter of xxxx had explained the banks position. Regrettably there is little that i can add contructively to what I have already outlined. The various charges that we make are flat fee's and remain the same irrespective of the face value of an offending item essentially because the amount of work involved with controlling an unauthorised overdraft is the same. We are fully aware of the opinion of the OFT which at the present time relates only to credit card charges and we have until 31 May 06 to respond to them. Hopefully I can reassure you that the bank is taking this matter very seriously and our lawyers are involved in all developments. That said, our position remains unchanged from when I last wrote and I am genuinely sorry that you intend to take legal action against us. Purely as a reminder, please ensure any papers are served on our registered office address, quoted below. Thank you again for writing Stuart Higley" ********** What a load of nonsense! But anyway, what do people suggest. Should i simply wait for the 14 days notice of the letter before action to expire and then proceed with court action or is it worth me replying to his letter first? thanks guys.
  7. Right, well my Letter Before Action has been posted today - 14 days until claim time! I spelled out in no uncertain terms that the charges are not fair, reasonable or transparent with examples for each. I also spelled it out for them that if they settle now they will save themselves about £500 in court fees and interest. I know £500 is nothing to them, but hey, just giving them the option of sorting it out now and not waiting for court papers. Will keep everyone updated if i get any response.
  8. Hi guys I know its not relevant to Natwest, but theres a 2 page story in the Sun today ('cashflow' pullout in the centre) about one of the members here and his claim against abbey - well worth a read! and great publicity for the cause!
  9. yesterday i received the standard response from Stuart Higley ("webelieve our fees are transparent and fair etc etc) in response to my initial letter for reclaim. however, there is a line at the bottome that i THINK no one else has mentioned before. It reads: "I am disappointed to note that you are contemplating legal action against the bank. Whilst I hope that you will feel able to reconsider, should you decide to go ahead, please ensure that any proceedings are served on our registered office address, which appears at the foot of this letter". Has anyone else had this paragraph on their letter? it seems to me that a) they are encouraging me to take them to court and b) that they are trying to invonvenience me by serving the proceedings in London, and therefore maybe having to go to court in London rather than my native Bournemouth??? So, some advise please - what do people think about the last paragraph in the letter and what do people advise I do re: the proceedings? Registered office or local branch? (i have yet to send the letter before action however, so that may turn up some new stuff too, who knows with this bank!). Any feedback at all would be most appreciated, as Natwest owes me over £3000 and i don't wanna muck up my claim in any way!
  10. Oh you gotta love that last paragraph in your email! Good for you - it really does seem like we need to spell it out for these people. Good luck with the claim.
  11. Well, got my two lots of statements through (2 accounts) and totalled up my claim. Off the top of my head its about £3200 which to little old me is A LOT of money! even when i pay off my horrible £800 o/d that still leaves me with a nice return from the[edit], sorry, NatWest. so first letter will be being sent tonight. and lets guess what the response i'll receive will be..... [MODERATED: Please do not post libelous comments on this forum]
  12. hey - what a suprise! my two lots of statements (i have two accounts) BOTH came in torn brown envelopes too, my statements hanging out of the side. its a joke that quite frankly isn't funny. on a different note has anyone else experienced receiving duplicate sheets in their statements? it seems each time i received a charge that printed that sheet twice - perhaps to deliberately confuse me? (which admittedly it did at first - thought i was due more than i am - ha ha!).
  13. Since i sent the second letter (with the cheque for £10 and telling them that statements ARE included in a DPA) i have heard nothing - but then that was only yesterday! will keep this thread updated when i hear anything.
  14. Cool, thanks for the advice guys. @ RichardC - yeah, i used the standard format from the library. @ Dazza12 - thanks - i'll check your post and if you don't mind hijack your text and put it in my response. I'll be paying the full £10 to get the SAR disclosure - i just don't want sneaky natwest leaving any info off! thanks again guys
  15. Received a response from my DPA request from Joyce Tudor (sent the request to Mr Lyons - perhaps he's having to recruit extra staff to cover all these requests...). Shes basically told me that i can have the statements for £5 or the SAR for £10, but that will NOT include bank statements. I need to reply saying 'the SAR please, but it MUST include bank statements' - anyone think of some good wording for me to use in this letter? Many thanks
  16. First off, I'd like to say a hearty 'thanks and well done' to Bankfodder, Dave and all the Mod's here. This is a truelly fantastic site and its nice to see a group of like-minded people standing up for what is right and not letting these corrupt banks get away with daylight robbery. In my specific instance, Natwest have been stinging my two Current accounts for charges for the last 8 years or so now - shame we can only claim for 6 years worth! I have no idea how much they have taken but would be very suprised if it was under £1000 - so lets start getting it back! Yesterday I sent my DPA request to Mr Lyons so the process is in motion. As far as I can see there is only one case against Natwest in the 'Litigation in Process' forum but I am not sure if that is due to Natwest settling disputes before that stage or if its because no one has gotten that far in their claims yet? Either way, lets make sure we keep this forum updated with our individual cases so that other members can use our experiences / updates as guidance in their own claims. Anyway, wish me luck!
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