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  1. Ah right ok, so can i assume that we are stuffed and stuck in the middle of everything. ie earn too much for income ESA but work to much for WTC?
  2. Hi thankyou for you comments, with all benefits they do not take account of any maintene paid out of wages , i know this as we already recieve CT and HB as previously mentioned , the only times it matters is when you are recieving the mainentance. We also do recieve WTC because i am disabled and he works more than 30 hrs a week . Can someone clarify the critea for esa income based please as i was under the opinion that you could get this if your partner worked less than 24 hours but am finding it difficult to find out how low earnings his earnings should be?
  3. :|Hello all, Im new to this forum, so am hopig im putting this in the correct place and really hope somebody out there can help me! I have Fibromyalgia and have been recieving DLA at high rate for both mobility and care since year and half ago. I was recieving ESA cont in the WRAG group,based but this ran out in april under the 365 day ruling. i was not entitled to income based as my partner worked more that 24 hours a weekAT the moment i am now waiting to hear back from JCP as i had to put in a change of circumtances letter as my health had deterioted alot so was hoping to be put into the support group. we are also now recieving £55 per week rent allowance and £10.25 council tax allowance plus £14 working tax credit. He was recieving £340 per week before tax (£280 net) Now things were running smoothly (tight but copable) until my partners boss announced yesterday that he was going to have to cut my partners hours to 3 days a week which takes him down to 24 hours and roughly £170 net wages. My question is would we be entiltled to income based ESA ( because hours are 24 and wages lower ) or is he still working to much and earning to much? would we be entitled to more WFTC , council tax and rent benifit, carers allowance etc . I have been on various benifit sights and they all seem to work out different , or it misses a benefit out etc . Please help somebody, im really really panicing now as on top of all this my partners ex wife has decided to go through CSA for the child maintenance (of which we were already paying £50 per week to her direct) . Thankyou in advance Tina x
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