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Family of Six

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  1. We had a phone call from Eversheds last night to say that FB had accepted our offer and we wont now lose our home! Ell-enn, what can I say? Thank you so much for helping us through this! A financially tight year ahead, but at least we have some stability in our home.
  2. Hi Ell-enn, I have emailed the revised budget sheet to you. Thanks
  3. Hi Ell-enn, Good news, I think. Eversheds called saying that FP wont enforce the court order as we have filled in an income and expenditure and are in negotiation with them. They did not accept our offer though and want more money each month towards the arrears. Eversheds have asked us to look at reductions on payments of household costs, Phone/Tv/Internet package and unsecured debt payments. They want us to email a list of what we can reduce along with a revised offer to them on Monday. We will go through this and see what further reductions we are able to make. 2 adults and 4 children and we are being asked to reduce our food bill - we do not live an oppulent lifestyle, very far from it, but it may be baked beans from now on to save our home. please just let us know if you have any comment prior to us reverting to Eversheds on Monday? Many Thanks.
  4. Hi Ell-enn, Letters were delivered on Monday and thanks again for your help. we now await a response. However, we have today received an unexpected letter from the court regarding the e-mail that we sent to them and to Clarity a week before the court date, making an offer to pay an additional amount towards the arrears. The letter states: Your correspondence dated 15 August 2012 has been placed before the District Judge who has made the following comments; "The defendant will need to make an application to vary the order" Do we need to do something about this now, or await a reply from the letter that we have sent to First Plus? Thanks
  5. Hi Ell-enn, just need the letter now and then I can find the address details and have it sent out tomorrow. Thanks again for all of your help!
  6. Just sent that across to you. Not sure that I have the correct address details and department to send the letter at this point but can research that tonight prior to sending in the morning.
  7. Hi Ell-enn, I am online today if you are able to help? Thanks
  8. Hi, I have completed the budget sheet and all looks OK, I will check it again with a fresh pair of eyes in the morning and then will be looking to contact First Plus and see if we can reach some agreement. Will you be able to help with the letter tomorrow? Many thanks for your help and assistance.
  9. Thanks for getting back to me. Property is in joint names. Arrears - we had general financial difficulties due to having 4 children and moving to the expensive South from the North. Had arranged reduced payments with FP and have been paying those successfully for quite some time in the knowledge that some arrears would build up. The payment came out of my debit card rather than a DD but sadly I did not recall that when I changed my card a few months back. We missed 3 payments without realizing and FP instigated the court action without any further communication. Contacted FP and were advised to call Eversheds solicitors. They said they did not have the files. Then received a letter from Clarity and we offered an increased payment but never heard back from them. 19 years left to run I believe. will complete the budget sheet tomorrow. Thnanks again for helping.
  10. I will be available later tonight, many thanks for your help.
  11. Sorry, we also sent a simple letter saying that we had offered £100 over the standard monthly payment but had not heard anything further from Clarity.
  12. 1. The defendant give the claimant possession of.......(address)...... on or before 17 September 2012 2. Judgement for the claimant £70,237.97 3. The defendant to pay the total amount of £70,237.97 to the claimant Thanks.
  13. Hi, no, we did not attend (foolishly) and the arrears are in the region of £4000.
  14. First Plus have been granted a possession order as we had built up arrears and then inadvertently missed a number of payments due to a debit card change. Is there anything we can do at this stage to save our home? Should we be discussing a payment plan with FP or is it just too late for that now? We are a married couple with 4 children aged 3-12, I have a good job and recently, a good income. First mortgage with NRAM has a suspended possession order and we can maintain the payments OK. Thanks
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