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  1. Yes - I called them and they confirmed it has been lodged correctly within the 7 days.
  2. I should also add in here that I sent LBL a letter on the 10th August asking for copies of agreement and bill of sale. I have not recieved any of these. They have not tried to corresspond with us at all. Is this a breach of Consumer Credit Act section 77?
  3. Can anyone tell me if I can ask for a time order even if the BOS is accurate? I want to be able to act quickly if they don't agree to letting me pay up the arrears and continue with the agreement. I've read through the information that NDL posted and it does mention about security/repossession, but these BOS loans seem to be so complicated that I just would like confirmation so that I don't waste my time! Anyone?
  4. Thanks NDL Can I request a time order in the court even though the BOS is valid and there is security? Also - yes the default has expired. D
  5. Hi folks I'm new here - so go easy. My Mrs took out a logbook loan from LBL against her car in May and fell behind on payments when she went of on maternity leave. I tried to help, but it was too late and they issued a default notice. I called them recently and they told me the car was up for repossession and give me the phone number of the agent. I called him (a lovely bloke, snigger snigger) and he filled my head with a lot of rubbish about how the car will be registered as stolen and how insurance is void. From what I've read on this site - that's not the case. Anyway - the car has been off the road due to repairs and hasn't been at the address we got the loan at. Incidently - my wife signed up for the loan in her parents home with an agent, I've read some comments on here about this being a problem, but can't really get a definitive answer on it. Comments please? We are now in a better position and are able to bring the arrears up to date (around £900) and make the weekly payments comfortably. Today I have sent a recorded letter to them to advise them of same and asked for them to confirm their acceptance and bank details by return. From your experiences - are they likely to cause a problem with this offer? I also called the High Court today and they advised me that the BOS was registered correctly, so really I'm just wondering now what I need to look for to render the BOS void? Is there anything that I should look for? I've searched and read around this forum a lot and there's lots of good advice, but any help is greatly appreciated. We always pay our debt, not matter how expensive it is and will continue to pay LBL, but I wouldn't mind releasing her car as security. Thanks folks - great forum by the way. Dave
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