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Everything posted by Corrections34

  1. Hi guys The Vanquis saga continues..... As the thread details, I attempted to reclaim charges from Vanquis. I subsequently complained to the FOS but they unfortunately sided with Vanquis. Anyway, whilst this account was in dispute Vanquis slapped a default on me. Can they do this if the account is in dispute?
  2. Had a letter today. Saying they are still investigating my complaint!!! What do they actually need to investigate!!! Just send me proof arrraghhhhh thats all I ask. Its almost been 7 weeks now
  3. Hi everyone I just wanted to update everyone that has helped me on here with regards to my electricity bil.I emailed Mr Cocker and had a reply from a Mr Thompson at the Directors Office. He handled my complaint promptly and kept me informed at each stage. The original bill was for £1255.47 £296.96 Was deducted for the backbilling code. A good will guesture was added with a further reduction of £478.51. With a little bit of unpaid usage from previous bills my outstanding balance now stands at £504.58 a total saving of £750.89. I have arranged to pay the balance in two instalments. Thank you all
  4. Thanks nottslad. that is really helpful. I have made the complaint to the ombudsman today and will be sending Mr Cocker a letter.
  5. It looks like this is my only choice. Ive tried their complaints procedure but its like talking to a brick wall. They just ignore me. Ive been on the OFT website but its saying they no longer operate. Who is the best person to speak to now?
  6. Hello, I just wanted some more advice on this complaint I have with eon. This companies complaint procedure is a shambles and they are nothing more than bullies that are attempting to intimidate me. briefly, I made a complaint to eon with regard to backbilling on 11/07/2013, this letter was ignored and they continued to harass me for payment. 20/07/2013 made a formal complaint to the complaints Director. Again this was ignored. Thanks to CAG a chap on here called malc investigated my complaint and I eventually received a letter from eon dated 07/08/2013 Informing me that eon are looking into the complaint and will be in touch again with a response. I have heard absolutely nothing from this company with regard to my complaint. I have had two different bills in this time which I have paid. But I refuse to pay a single penny of the £1255.47 until they amend this with the back billing taken into cosideration. Today, I received a threatening letter from eon stating that I need to pay the full amount. They will add a £10 debt collection fee. And also they report to credit reference agencies. This is absolutely disgusting. They have NEVER been in touch with a response to my complaint. It has been ignored and they are using threatening tactics. This account is STILL in dispute. What can I do. Please help
  7. Any advice? I wasnt really worried too much about the previous debts. But, this one is £4050 and somehow lowells have got my home number and are calling everyday!!!! What should I do?
  8. I was under the impression they were making payments. Because i have heard nothing from hfc for at least 9 years. then I stopped paying the company then this letter arrives. I was thinking maybe a CCA and SAR request what do u think? if i remember right this was a loan i had
  9. Any help with this?? Please
  10. Corrections34


    Hi I've not been on here for a while. But today I have received a letter!!!! Basically the letter is in three parts. The first letter appears to be from HSBC informing me that Lowell Financial have been sold the debt and any correspondence should go direct to them. The second letter is from Lowell financial stating that I owe (HFC BANK LTD) £4050. The third part of the letter is from the OFT giving me an arrears notice. Ok, as you can see Lowell are stating that I owe HSBC BANK and HFC BANK £4050. Both of these letters have the same account numbers. I took out a loan with HFC BANK in 2000/2001. Got into financial difficulty and paid HFC a nominal amount through a debt consolidation company. I was paying this company up until 4 years ago when I got divorced and moved away. However, I have never dealt or had any dealings with HSBC BANK. What should I do please help Thanks
  11. Hi I apologise for starting another thread. I just pursumed that because it was another DCA that an alternative thread was needed. This debt and others are all in my past. I cant talk to my girlfriend about them because im embarrassed. In fact the only people I can talk to is you guys. Everyone has been a real help especially dx. say these debts are are getting on top of me is an understatement. The last thing I want is to come home and have to hide letters from DCA's from my partner, then lay awake at night wondering what to do. The last thing I wanted to do dx was upset you and I apologise.
  12. To my knowledge I owe Anglian Water nothing. Wescot told me that they acted in good faith and have conducted a credit reference trace. However it appears im not the individual they seek and apologised
  13. OK I thought this had gone away!! Clearly not. about 6 months ago I had a letter from Wescot saying I owe Anglian Water £900 from a previous address. I challenged them with a prove it letter which they were unable to do. That was the last I heard from Wescot. Then a letter from LCS re: the same debt. They were writing constantly making all kinds of threats. I ignored every letter and they just went away. Then, today a formal demand from Past Due Credit Solutions for the £900 allegedly owed to.AW. 1) If this debt had any substance and they are certain im liable would'nt Wescot have seen it through? 2) Shall I just ignore these idiots or send a prove it letter? This seemed to work with LCS. PLEASE HELP
  14. Hi I want to check my credit file. However it asks for 6 years previous address history. The previous 3 years are fine because im on the electoral roll and have lived in this home for 3 years. But previous to this I went from rented room to room and living with friends for 3 years and was NOT on the electoral roll. How will this affect my credit report because I only have 3 years stable address history?
  15. Unfortunately I didnt send it recorded. The thing is they knew full well I was living here because they were told and given meter readings. They even sent me a welcome pack. Then I heard nothing from them
  16. Hi Yes I did contact them via mail but never received a reply. The same as I never received a reply or acknowledgment to my written complaints. It was only once an Eon rep helped me on here that anything happened.
  17. Hi all Just a quick outline on whats been happening. I complained to Eon on 11/07/13 because they sent me a bill for £1255.47 covering the 16 months I have lived in my current home. I informed them when I moved in and even received a welcome pack. However, I never received any bills. I informed them that they are back billing me hence the complaint. I had a letter from Eon recently stating my complaint is very important to them but they are still trying to resolve it. And they even said I could now take it to the ombudsman!! Today I received my next bill of £224 from June to Oct. The amount now stands at £1479.47. And they are requesting payment. I really dont know what to do about this because this bill is spiralling out of control now. I live on my own and really dont know how I can pay all this money. Its really beginning to worry me. Why is it taking them so long to sort this complaint. Could anyone please give me any advice on what to do?
  18. Thats my point. I signed the t&cs agreeing to the charges. My only defence is that their charges and interest caused the debt to spiral?
  19. Ive not completely ruled out court action just yet. Everyone on here has really helped me especially Dx. With regards to court action my main concern is that the court will just say that ' you signed the credit agreement and accepted the t&c's' agreeing to the interest and penalty charges so therefore you MUST pay! Secondly what type of questions are they likely to ask me? And lastly how long will the hearing go on for?
  20. Yep they certainly do, alot more. But ive got no confidence in taking them to court. I feel the court will side with them and I'll be left looking like an idiot without a clue
  21. I want to pay what I owe. Which is £250. when I split up with my ex I moved in with my parents for a short time. I have now been living in my current address for approx 4 years but didnt inform Vanquis so, technically they think Im still living with my parents. Whilst i was with my parents i was not on the electorol roll. So to cut a long story short Vanquis is not affecting my credit file because i can and have been accepted for credit. I just want to pay what I owe
  22. HI Dx Vanquis have dismissed my ROP claim too. I have actually written to them twice making an offer to settle. But, have been ignored
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