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  1. We had 10, however all were being reposessed at the time we claimed benefits. And we were not receiving any income from them, we had no other income as I had been made redundant and had no redundancy. Will see what they decide............ think they were totally confused at the interview!
  2. Went to see lawyer, who was fantastic! She has put us at ease. She was so understanding, and told us that the Investigation is to intimadate us, and that they either have evidence or not, and relying on an elderly neighbour to say I still go to my old house is not enough! Feeling positive! Would definately recommend anyone who has a letter for investigation under caution to pay a lawyer a visit!
  3. Thanks for the replies. I think we are just worrying as we have never been investigated for anything before. I think the Council/DWP are more concerned that the properties were not declared, as we naively thought they were in process of being repossesed. My hubby did tell the JC when he signed on, but was not asked to alter forms. I think after our meeting with lawyer I will feel much better. Just feel an idiot! Thanks for all your replies! Much appreciated!
  4. If I go to court, and get charges against me then I would also have to answer to the NMC, who would probably suspend my registration. therefore not being able to work as a nurse. Thanks for your replies.
  5. oops and also bank accounts, I was questioned about paying my annual nursing registration payment!
  6. That they had checked the land registry and spoke to a neighbour at my old house, who told them that we were always at the house! The house is up for sale, locks changed etc. Only went a few times before it was reposessed to collect mail. Didn't even like doing that as it was too emotional. At this point I feel like adding up all the benefits we have been given and pay it back! I don't have any money, but could ask my parents to pay and I would rather owe them than the DWP. I just feel so low. I have never claimed anything before, and when we needed too, have had this happen. The investigator did not understand the reposession process of a house and that I will get no money out of the sale. But on the bright side the lawyer sounds knowledgable. Thanks
  7. Had our interview under caution! They ended up cautioning me too! Don't know if that is normal practice?????? The meeting was only for my husband, but as I was there they decided to include me too! I would like to ask if anyone knows if their behaviour is normal. At the end, of a 2 hr meeting, the investigator from the Council gave me his phone number and asked for some more info, I stated that I would email or post it. He said that he would come collect it???? Is he able to visit us at home, is that not strange. As he went on to say that if I phone him he is unable to talk about the investigation. Feel uneasy about this all. Have now made an appointment with a criminal lawyer, as am sure they will prosecute! After reading other people's experiences I think it is a foredrawn conclusion. Am totally gutted. Not only have we lost our house/business we are going to be prosecuted. I have had former tennnats inpersonate me and commit fraud gain items from catalogues, extra benefits and money and am still waiting for the police to prosecute them 18 months later, and we have to wait 2 months for a decision and have been told by lawyer over the phone, if they even suspect they will go for it!!!! Devastated is an under statement.
  8. Really appreciate your help Thanks again
  9. Income support/ housing benefit we also get DLA for our son, and tax credits Thanks for replying
  10. Hi I am totally panicing as my husband has an interview under caution on thursday. The only information that we have is the letter asking him to attend. Our story is pretty complicated but here it is. We had some buytolet properties and our own property, all with mortgages, however due to redundancy (my job) and rental gaps, found that we were at the point of no return and the bank started reposession of the rental properties. Our own house was also included in this. We were visited by a rep of the bank and he basically told us to move and get a rental property asap, as we had kids, and he knew our sitaution was inevitable. So my husband made a claim for himself me and the kids, as we had no income. There is no equity in any of the properties due to the current market, and our own house either. We moved into a rental property and have been looking for jobs, and awaiting someone making us bankrupt. We have no capital, savings or anything. We are racking our heads about what this is. My husband cannot remember what he put on the form as we have been so stressed over the past year, plus I was having tests to do with my heart due to stress and he was worried. But he was upfront when attending his meeting about us owning propeties. I also received around xmas a small amount from my previous employer, but this was outstanding money due to me, less that £800. There were some small amounts of rent that went into the business account but these were paid direct to debters. Am feeling awful as I don't want my husband to go to court of jail, and my profession is a notifiable one, so I would never get a job again. I am ill with worry, and feel so guilty, but don't know what we have done. I am trying so hard to get a job, I feel like I am going mad. Any help appreciated. Thanks for reading and sorry for waffeling, don't know if it makes sense.
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