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  1. Hi Becky No, it's not for either of those things. Looks like it was just too much to expect them to give me chance! To be honest I should have known better as they are a company with very little regard for their employees I'm afraid, I was just hoping there was some way I could be the one to finally make them do the right thing
  2. Hi Oscar, thanks for the reply! I have still not received any of the notes, after a week so I will be requesting them for sure. I haven't actually received any formal letter of dismissal either, despite my job being advertised online already The training was far from a contractual requirement, in fact both assistants were landed on me with literally no notice, just appeared in my office one Monday! I'm worried that this had something to do with HR manager's demeanour with me in fact. After the second surprise hire, I sent an email to her, my supervisor and my manager requesting that proper notice be given in future as there was no workspace/computer for the new start and as a result they were completely unable to start work. I was then taken aside by another manager (the one who ended up in my contract negotiations) who had an "informal word" with me because HR had not appreciated the tone of my email and it wasn't my place to send it. Even though he hadn't actually read it, and my supervisor and manager had no problem with it. I'm afraid I'm just not in her good books
  3. Hi all I'm new to the forum so bear with me, I'm very sorry if this is all rather long winded. I have a full time fixed term contract for one year with my current employer. This was due to terminate on 11th September 2012 but I was aware that my continued employment with the company was expected. So I requested a meeting 2 weeks ago to negotiate terms ( so that i would have my months notice if they were not accepted) Eventually, the meeting goes ahead, with a manager who is not my manager as stated in my contract, and the HR manager taking notes (I was told by HR that I had no right to accompaniment because it was an informal meeting) My proposal was a move to part time (28) hours, with a pro rata pay rise and I listed the following reasons Pay rise- would meet industry standard, I have gained experience, exceeded everything required of me, taken over training of two assistants and developed new techniques to increase my efficiency for the company. Part time hours- changes within the company and a new procedure that i implemented allow me to manage my workflow much better now, the training I have given my assistants will enable them to take over some of my tasks. But the manager just said no, he considered it a full time position, even though I had an answer for each of his "scenarios" and the fact is that he has little to no experience of what I do day to day. I even suggested a 3 month probationary period so that I could prove to them that it will work. I was told I had the options of either renewing the contract as is (no pay rise, no changes) or rejecting it. As a result I have had to refuse and am currently working my notice. My question is, can they refuse me outright like this, even though my proposal makes sense for the company and will not negatively affect it in any way? I have a feeling that they can, but I just wanted to check if there is anything I can do because it just seems so unfair. I feel like they are refusing to even give me a chance The people making the decision don't even understand my job so how can they judge better than me what it requires?!
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