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  1. So we got a visit today from our friendly neighbourhood Brighthouse collectors. I was out so they harassed my wife at the door, threatening to call the police, shoving a foot in the door and claiming they had a right to be on our property. They bit off more than they could chew as she soon saw them off the doorstep, but they then proceeded to tell our neighbours what awful people we were and to discuss our private business in front of them. Fortunately our neighbours have had previous dealings with BH, so they were ok with it and helped to get rid of them. This type of behaviour seems typical and a little rude when I reckon they owe us money for collection of OSC payments! I'll be sending the "don't call us and don't visit" letter tomorrow and I guess I should actually speak to the Customer Services Director above. Ho hum.
  2. Thanks for the response. I can't PM, so I'll respond here. The store in question was the main branch on S****horpe High Street. My wife was quite upset by how rude the assistant manager was and left the shop before she lost her temper, particularly at the refusal to give us a receipt for the letter. She, like I, is a professional person and so she was well aware that we were being told a pack of lies and was somewhat incensed by the generally rude attitude of the person in question. This despite me warning her, based on my reading of this site, that the shop would be resistant to us exercising our rights under the agreement. I too was disappointed that the store felt it necessary to blatantly attempt to deceive us. I had hoped for better, and to be honest, their lies are what made me read the conditions of the OSC in more detail and to realise that it has been illegally collected since it first lapsed. I am hoping that you can also arrange this refund for us. Thanks.
  3. No, that link for the DLC and OLC terms page works, but the links that are externally hosted to the actual docs themselves do not work. As far as reclaiming OSC goes, the basis for my claim would be that the first time I missed a payment on it the policy lapses as per their terms (in their leaflet). Therefore, any OSC payments they have taken since then are wrong and should be refunded. Is this correct? Has anyone successfully sued them for OSC charges?
  4. Yes, the links to the T&Cs are on the Brighthouse Fact Sheet page (I can't post the link). They lead to a dead virgin media page. TBH, their lying to me and treating me like an idiot has peed me off and now I'm thinking of reclaiming my OSC and late fees from them. They sent me an annual statement for each item recently and it shows for the two 27 instances of them charging me £3.50, that's nearly £100.
  5. I went in to Brighthouse today to pay my account up to date and also to remove the OSC on my two items. We have a tendency to go into arrears every now and then and end up paying late fees, but we always end up paying. we were told by the assistant manager (the manager was not present) that we couldn't stop OSC as it was contractural and it was also optional for them as it gave them different repossession options. We gave her a letter (made up from the template on here) stating we were giving seven day's notice and asked her for a receipt for it but she refused. We asked her to write us a note stating she'd received the letter but she refused. She asked us why we wanted to cancel the OSC and I said because it costs too much and we could get a manufacturer's extended warranty for a lot less. She said that this would invalidate our agreement as the items remain property of BH and have to be repaired by them. She also told us that we could not cancel the policy purely on the basis of affordability. They then said that because we are often in arrears, we couldn't stop the OSC policy, but the manager would assess it and decide. I picked up their OSC leaflet and read the paragraph on the back about our right to cancel, but this didn't make any difference. I know that most of this is spurious rubbish, but what about the point regarding manufacturer's extended warranties? BTW, the links on the fact sheet to the DLC, OSC and general terms and conditions don't work. Thanks.
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