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Everything posted by davecres

  1. I also got one this morning and am on a repayment plan. The return header when you look at teh source isenovaintl.50984@envfrm.rsys5.comSo I have emailed the company seperately telling them and hopefully if they get enough reports they may be able to get it sorted. Have given them my reference so they know Im a legitimate if not in a poor financial situation person.
  2. LS have now sent me revised payment plan loan aggreement details and its showing on their site when i log in so for the time being until April pro-rata plan accepted and standing order setup all via email. Once again thanks for your help with original advice and letter template
  3. As your bank to check it out but I understand that loan companies are supposed to accept any form of legal payment and they cannot inist on one particualr type and if they do then they would not look good in a court of law as they are preventing you from trying to reduce your debt ASk your bank to check it out for you to make sure it relates to them if in doubt. My first payments been made and it hasnt been rejected and they seem to ahve rece3ived it ok
  4. Well rudely awakened this Sunday morning by two texts from Lending Stream saying the have been unable to collect the two defaulted loans in full from my bank account. They obviously couldn't careless about any financial hardship that would have been caused if they were able to take the money. This is despite the fact hat they have reluctantly agreed prorate payments and received first ones. They are also aware of my income expenditure from form supplied so why after agreeing do they try. They have tried 4 times since they sent me the email agreeing to prorate which was half he amount they were pressing me for. Other PDL companies have not once tried through CPA. For those asking my card was reported lost so they were not able to get anything but as heirs nowt there would failed anyhow
  5. I have now received two formal default notices from LS by email and in the post for the 2 loans. Im also getting text messages saying they have tried to obtain the full amount from my bank account but it has failed and they have charged for the failure. This is despite them having reluctantly agreed to accept the pro-rata payments and confirmed reciept of the first one on each account. I have sent them the letter regarding not freezing interest and charges to which they haven't responded. However int eh default notices it does say they may pass to debt collection agency if not paid in full according to the default notice and they will charge me £40 on each account. Makes me wonder whether I should have bothered to pay even pro-rata amount at this stage as its been eaten up immediately. Total Loans taken out in July 2012 was £680 over 6 months. Total AMOUNT OUTSTANDING ACCORDING TO THEIR RECORDS IS £1375.53 AND AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY DUE IS £850.58 Any letter guidance on this would be helpful. No additional charges have been added by any other PDL company and even Wonga who havent had the first pro-rata yet has not added any.
  6. Repeat letters etc, and random amounts I agree and so to the regulation. However it was me that approached the PDL companies over a period of time taking out loans paying back or carrying over etc so they are not entirely to blame. However when things got to much and I releasised the mess I had got myself into it but it was these forums that highlighted the bad practice and trying to make people pay higher amounts, Continious payment deducted (i narrowly missed that with my card being lost !!!!) and made me see a way to break the spiral and last month for the first time in over a year I felt a whole lot better. Regulating the industry and ensuring they stuck to the terms of issue of their licences would be the biggest thing that happens to PDLs LS was the biggest problem refusing any payment unless it was twice the pro-rata payment I had already worked out but to a member on here providing words and a guiding light I would never have been a fighter. Jsut grateful thanks to all concerned
  7. Your probably right and that unsuspecting debtor could have been me before I stumbled across these forums. Both you and others have been a big help and actually put my mind at ease in sorting things out. Otherwise would have been juggling forever and a day. Dave
  8. Thats what I thought, just was amazed LS responded at all. Although depiste me writing telling them not to phone they did but I ignored then I got teh email a few mins alter sayg they ahd tried to call to let me know they had accepted plan It was your words though I think that speeded things up and jsut happen to co-incide with my payment arriving for both the accounts despite them trying to block by not providing details. Im feeling more contented now Ive stopped the roundabout of PDLs and got off and sorted things out for now and all Standing orders setup. Phone has gone quiet from all of them as well.
  9. RESULT - Thanks very much for your help, e lending stream. After sending a modified version of what you posted, I have today received an acceptance saying that they accept the pro-rata amount for 4 months but want me to better my offer then. # I think it helped me telling them they ahd failed on numerous occassions to provide banking details but i had obtained from elsewhere and made payments. Of course they can review in 4 months but if circumstances havent improved well they will still get same amount of me. All other PDL people have now accepted pro-rata and been paid. Dave
  10. I havent heard anything either apart from the default notice but as someone else has provided me with LS details which match I have managed to obtain elsewhere I have setup a standing order as per the pro-rata payment on my income/expenditure sheet.
  11. The details I posted did yes in an email. I have checked them out with the bank and it is all correct but do your own due diligence for your own peace of mind
  12. Thank you I will check out those details with my bank and then setup the pro rata payments into their account quoting my reference number so I can show willing to the court (if it goes there) that I have attempted to make arrangements but they have failed to give me the details so had to find them another way.
  13. I dont know as Lending Stream have not despite repeated requests provided me with their banking details. I thought QQ and Lending Stream are totally different companies and have not seen something indicating otherwise but as I mentioned Lending Stream on here when asked maybe I ahve confused the issue and if I have many apologies it wasnt intentional
  14. Thanks for the advise on Lending Stream. As Ive only sent them the responses this morning via email including a variation on what you suggested I will wait a day or two for their response and then make official complaints
  15. 18th September but they are not following OT guidelines it seems and have received a formal default notice this morning but as you can see from the thread I have replied. Every other one of my creditors have accepted and agreed standing order and pro-rata subject to a review in 6 months apart from LS
  16. Yes they have added default sums and also tell me interest will still continue to be added and that if I dont pay within 14 days when they try and take the money from my bank (card cancelled) they will transfer to a debt collection agency and add a charge of £40 onto the loan.
  17. Cheers for that help. Just thought Id post a paragraph from their default notice which they sent this morning which has an interesting turn of phrase at the end stating that more somes may have to be paid when judgement paid off. You should be aware that if we take you to court and get a judgement against you requiring you to pay us the money you owe us under the agreement, you may have to pay us both the amount of the judgement and interest under the agreement on all the sums owed by you at the date of the judgement until you have paid these in full. This means that even if you pay off the whole amount of the judgement, you may still have a further sum to pay.
  18. What was barmy is 30 mins after them sending me the second non acceptance email I got an email from them telling me not to accept a payday loan but borrow up to £1,000 etc from their marketing department. "You may even choose to pay back your short-term instalment loan earlier than the contractual term to save on interest without any prepayment penalty. Unlike payday loans that make their money from high rollover fees, we'll actually work with you to make sure you don't have to do that. Just call our customer service department and let us know - we'll be glad to help you." Note the payback earlier than contract term to save interest yet when they told me how much i owe its the whole amount plus the daily charges from them not being able to collect every day they have tried since I told them I couldnt pay. Had two emails this morning as two loans with them just after 830 am on a Sunday at that saying they have been unable to collect. No calls today and have put all the numbers from these company in block list so they go straight to voicemail. Any call with no number recognised or withheld am ignoring at moment following advise on here although did get one call on work line even though sent them the do not call letter and guy just said doesnt matter about my I & E contract says have to pay and they will continue to try and collect daily and call until I do. Dont worry if any get through am making note of time and date for the record
  19. Thats explains things then. My first response to them on not accepting was this paragraph I included and then below it is teh second one. Not heard anything from then since 2nd non acceptance. First para I am surprised that you are advising me to go to a debt management company and get them to submit paperwork which I have already submitted to you and all other creditors. I am told that most debt management companies take the first two payments as their fee and thereafter a percentage of the overall monthly payment made to them which would reduce my creditor’s payments even further. 2nd para in second letter back Your alternative suggestion of going to a debt management company and get them to submit paperwork which I have already submitted to you would only result in me being unable to make the first pro-rata payments to the other companies but also put me further into debt.
  20. I have sent them the take me to court letter and they just re-iterated none acceptance. This was their response after I stressed again I could only offer the pro-rata rate and requesting for the fourth time their banking order details so I can setup a standing order. Luckily have found the details for the company through this site and have setup the pro-rata anyhow first payment due tomorrow Thank you for your email. As we have mentioned earlier, we are unable to accept your offer of £xx.xx for your total outstanding loan balance amount of £xxxx.xx for your loan agreements xxxxxx and xxxx. Once again, if you are unable to make an offer payment of at least £85.00 per month as per your outstanding balance, you may get in touch with a debt management company and send over paperwork through them. Should you require any additional information, please email us at info@xxxxxxxx.co.uk Regards, Customer Care Team,
  21. Quite right to be cautious on this and any other replies and to be honest didnt even think anyone would be daring enough to post their own bank account details so thanks for opening my eyes anyway to the possibility. Incidently it was through these forums I found accidently that made me tackle the PDL spiral and get some peace of mind back so in my case Im very lucky to folk on here and also the template letters. So far am making good progress and almost all have agreed pro-rata payments and Standing order details. Only one are refusing and not accepting then telling me to go to a financial management company and submit income expenditure details through one of them then they will consider repayment plan. Have pointed out msot take a chunk of available money but they havent budged but have setup a standing order anyhow
  22. I can assure you thats the information they emailed me this week and I have setup my standing order as Im dealing with QQ at the moment. You are right to be better safe than sorry but someone requested whether anyone had the details and as I did I posted. If unsure then get your bank to check the information or ask QQ to confirm there bank details are what I posted.
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