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  1. Hi, not 100% sure about a late payment but have never missed a payment. Will also look over old statements to see if we paid any ppi. Will request a CCA, what can i do if they can't produce the original agreement. Regards.
  2. Hi, thanks for the prompt reply, took the cards out over 10 years ago and they cancelled about 5 years ago, requested lower interest rates with Santander and New day without success but New day still send me statements as if it's a credit card with credit limits availablitiy to spend etc even though they have confirmed it is just a debt and not a credit card. Bit frustrating and was hoping for some good news. Oh and never missed a payment.
  3. Hi all, thanks for the great help in the past A few years ago we had two credit cards from paypal and out of the blue they cancelled the cards, can't find the original letter for the reason why and we hadn't once defaulted. The account was then run by Santander and now being run by a company called New Day. However they are still charging the 22% interest from the original credit card aggreament. Surely if they have defaulted on the original aggreament and cancelled the cards, should i be paying the high interest. ? Thanks for any help. Quick edit, if the credit card company cancelled the card and not under my default, doesn't it just become a debt and should we be charged any interest at all ?
  4. Bump on this please, i'm gonna send dx letter from above tomorrow but have added the amount on there that i owe, am i correct in doing so as they are less likely to take court action over 3k than 8 k, "have stated that after ccj less payments i owe 3k" Any advice is great.
  5. Hi thanks again for all your help. I have heard from Arrow Global today and they state that Paragon has assigned all of it's respective rights, title and interest to Arrow and they are going to have Westcot collect the payments. I'm going to write back with DXs letter suggestion - thanks. However they are saying i owe 8k when i only owe 3K, should i state in the letter that after the CCJ this is all i owe which might stop any court action as Arrow might actually believe from Paragon that i actually owe 8k and that would be worth persuing through the court. Happy to pay back what i owe but not a penny more. Regards
  6. Thanks, just not sure how i should respond to Aarrows initial letter. Regards.
  7. Hi again, sorry. I've totaled it all up and i owe less than i thought. When i hear from Arrow do i request a CCA and an SAR, they will obviously give me an inflated figure as per Paragon, should i write back stating exactly what i owe and that i have documentation and that i will be carrying on with the Variation order at £10 per month and tell them not to contact me again etc, any template letters for that ? Can they put any extra charges on the account ? Thanks again.
  8. Believe it or not it was only for £5500, was made redundant in 1993 and been battling these ever since, original ccj was about then with a variation order in 2001 and £10 pcm since. It was an unsecured loan, last time i worked it out if have paid that original amount and more, was reading more and is it possible for them to make a Statutory Demand. Waiting for the first contact with Arrow Global. If they did take it back to court and i have all Paragons printouts and paperwork showing my payments, they couldn't add anything to it i hope ? Really appreciate the help Regards
  9. Hi Just checked and the original loan was in 1991 with the variation order in 2001, so is in fact 21 years old. Regards.
  10. Thanks again, I've done some more research and the letter from Paragon states that Arrow global have purchased the debt and not been assigned the debt. I have just dug out my original credit/ loan form which was with Universal Credit and it doesn't state anywhere on there that they can transfer or pass on the debt, no mention of anything like that at all. In That case can Arrow actually take me to court to gett the Order changed to their name. Regards.
  11. Hi Yes the variation order states, shortened version. " the judgment on the date for X amount is hereby varied and it is now ordered the defendent pay the outstanding sum at £10 per month" I havent looked at my CRA report for a long time but will order one asp if you think i need to, what would i be looking for ? Thanks again
  12. Hi Dx There was a CCJ Variation order which i have stuck to, still have that and sent a copy to Paragon which must have been the last straw for them to sell it off. Just wondering how much they have told Arrow who might be annoyed when they find out that i only owe £3800 not 8K. Hoping legally that they can't do anything and i can sleep at night, happy to go to court and show the judge all my paperwork. Regards.
  13. Thanks for the reply, can Arrow take me back to court to try and increase my payments as i'm only paying £10 a month. On the CCJ it states interest can be added if over £5000 but it was only the court fees that just bumped it over the 5K. I have maintained the payments now for 11 years and in the case am i on solid ground. I owe approx £3800 but Paragon claim i owe £8000 but i will not pay a penny more than the CCJ. Some reassurance needed. Thanks again.
  14. Hi all, Had the SAR back etc from Paragon and it all went quiet, but they still claim with their printed payment schedule that i owe more than i do, i.e. interest after judgment, they have said that i have maintained payments etc. however i think they have given up trying and have now sold the debt to ARROW GLOBAL and said i would be contacted soon. i can gaurantee they would have sold the debt at their increased amount. I have my CCJ and proof that i have made every payment since, if i stick to that and don't pay a penny more is there anything arrow global can do, i.e. try and increase my payments / take me back to court etc. Searched but can't find much on Arrow Global, should i be worried ? Any help is much appreciated. Regards.
  15. Hi Yes i did the CCA is overdue but they still have time for the SAR. I will scan and post as soon as i can. Regards
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