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  1. Hi Bang, thanks for the post. I have not really measured it, but it would only fit 2 double beds(one double bed and a desk and a wardrobe) there is a space of max 3 sqm to walk and be able to see the actual carpet. If you say it would be around 20, I do not understand why I am charged by 600 though. In any case, I will ask for the original copy and the explanation of the damage cost that I should bear. I will write a formal letter to them that I demand a decent transparency for them to deduct money from my deposit. as for cleaning, I figured I better forget about arranging a cheaper one for myself as I already have moved out( might discuss with other people if this could be a possibility) Any more suggestions how best I can excersise this? Thanks
  2. Thanks f Mariner51. Can you explain to me what T damage is? so if he agrees to take this to the counrt as Alternative Deposit resolution service, I could get better deals, but if not, i have to pay whatever he asks, correct? It seems like it was a bad idea to stay as a lodger from the start. Thanks all
  3. Hi, the carpet was probably about less than 1 year old(but not sure of this, i will confirm on this) I was in between West hampstead & kilburn area, now already moved to another place. My current landlord has told me that i could ask for the evidence of the carpet age, and deduct the fee that i need to cover from there. Do you think it is fair for me to re-arrange the professional cleaner that is cheaper than 200? in that case, i will arrange sth and send them to the flat since I am not there anymore. Thanks all again
  4. Thanks LaughingGirl! Unfortunately, the carpet was kind of new and expensive look(fluffy and non code), they said for the entire flat, it cost them 2000 at the beginning, so i wonder why it goes to 600 for my room only(there is another bed room, and a big living room as well). Can you by any chance let me know the capeter who charges only 500 for the entire flat? I am thinking of arranging a cleaner which is more reasonable, and find an alternative carpeter who can fill in the damage and am going to tell them that if they want to install the whole thing, they have to partially bear the cost as well. this way, they should not want to pay too exp ones because the cost would be born by both parties depending on the age of the carpet. Thanks all again! I cannot concentrate on work today...
  5. OK. Thanks for the post Laughing Girl. So it means that for me it is better to back off this time...?
  6. I have heard from my friend that if my landlord is not in the "deposit protection scheme", it is illegal to even keep my deposite for the first place and we can sue him based on that, any ideas about this all?
  7. P.S. I had my en-suite, but shared kitchen and living room. so I am sure I can say that we share the bills in the common area?
  8. Thanks for the post. OK. the carpet was kind of new, they replaced it last year. but does the 2cm hole make it justifiable to replace the whole room?
  9. Hi all, I would like to get some advice on the unfair deduction of my deposit with a previous landlord. I stayed in a flat(moved out 2 weeks ago) with a live-in private landlord where we had a casual contract signed and exchanged. When discussing of the deposit return, he claims me for the professional cleaning for my room, bathroom, living room and the kitchen which was quoted around £200 though the room was not professionally cleaned by the previous tenant, and for the small hole(2cm diameter) accidentally made by me using candles, he is going to re-install a new carpet which would cost £600. therefore it is most likely that the deposit would not be back in a big sum. it is true that the landlord has put " tenant is responsible for hiring a professional cleaner to professionally clean the room, the bathroom, the common area and shampooing the carpet at the end of the tenancy" in the contract, but I find it unjust and would like to take actions to this. Is it possible to sue the landlord based on the above information? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks all in advance.
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