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Trevor 2283

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  1. Hi all first post here so please bare with me. I've searching the web for advice on a situation I'm currently going through at work and discovered this site, so here goes. I'm current absent from work through stress, to many things to go through but if I mention just a few, being bullied (swore at during meetings, accused of being a homosexual (I don't have any issues with anyone’s sexuality) in front of my colleagues) as I said, it would take to long to go through all my issues. All these issues have finally come to ahead and it's just got to much for me now so I had to go and see my GP as I just couldn’t take anymore. My question is, I'm now in my 4th week of absence and my employer has contacted me at home today asking to come round tomorrow for a welfare meeting. Can someone tell me what to expect and what kind of questions they can ask. Once again I'm left with the feeling that I'm being harassed and this time in my own home, was I in a position to decline this meeting? My employer at first requested that I attend this meeting on site and could I go in and have the meeting. I declined, as I'm still not feeling to good. Thanks in advance for any advice.
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