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Everything posted by kaypass

  1. This sounds very similar scenario - my sister has never been their tenants until she was moved last week. Thank you for sharing your experience
  2. I would ignore it myself but unfortunately they are her landlords in her new tenancy so she can’t. it seems so unfair, none of it is her mess and if she was allowed to stay there she would have cleared it eventually but they made her move.
  3. My dad died in March and my sister lived with him in our family home that we all grew up in. He had a tenancy, she didn’t. After his death she was told she can not succeed his tenancy as in my parents separation the transfer of the joint tenancy to a sole tenancy counted as a succession. They offered my sister to move her to a flat under her own discretionary tenancy as the house (a 3 bed) was too big for her needs. she has paid all bills, council tax and rent in this time whilst she has waited for rehoming. She moved 2 weeks ago and was told to drop his keys to the council office by 5 pm Monday. She dropped them in at 3pm only to be told she’d been advised wrong and it should have been 1pm so she was now liable for another weeks rent. Today they get in touch to tell her she needs to pay for the house to be cleared - my dad was a hoarder and had 35 years of car parts and ‘life’ stuff collected. Nobody has ever had a say over his things - she has lived there but couldn’t tell him what he can or can’t do in his home so there is a lot of stuff. originally she was told (by the same person who told her the wrong time for the keys) that she didn’t have to be responsible for all his things as it isn’t hers. Now they are back tracking again. can they do this? She’s only a student so has no income except student loans and is finding this all very overwhelming- there’s a lot of stuff to clear and she has no money. they wouldn’t let her stay because the tenancy was not hers, so can they enforce that she clears a mess that is not hers?
  4. So today this is our response with a suggested resolution, to my mind it’s admitting that we have been mis sold and so in actual fact we are entitled to our full amount of money back either through them or via a section 75 is that correct? “
  5. Thanks, I had got the two confused so have spent a little while reading the section 75 and agree it should suit our circumstances. Thanks for your help and patience! Im going to see If the retailer bother to call tomorrow (13 weeks since our order that should have been 2-3 weeks). Failing a decent response I’ll get onto the bank by the end of the week. You have been a great help
  6. Sorry I got the two confused (I did read the link, i promise!) We have told them what we want- the product we ordered! They just dont seem interested in helping (I suspect its been an expensive screw up somewhere along the line and it'll cost them to rectify). I'm going to re read the section 75 info again now Im sat down as clearly I didnt take the info on board properly yet. Thanks again!
  7. Thanks for that link. So if we try for this charge back theres a strong chance they may reverse it and leave us in a long drawn process? Would we be expected to do something with the product left behind? We have emails back and forth of us asking for things to be rectified but they have denied there is issue each time until we reply with photo proof that it doesnt fit each time. Then they send something else and claim it works until we go back around in circles to prove that it still doesnt work. Im worried if we go down this route we'd end up still with no money and still no patio doors. Would we be better going to claims court? The value of goods is between £6000-7000
  8. Thanks for your replies, sorry for the slow reply I was working. They are a company called just Value Doors UK - https://www.valuedoors.co.uk/- after having tried to get this resolved for the last 2 months I have no interest in protecting them now! I’ve got two huge slabs of glass propped up in my kitchen so just praying they don’t fall! We paid about half credit card, half debit. I’ll look into section 75 thanks- they really aren’t fit for purpose if they don’t open when fully put together!
  9. We paid half credit, half debit. I am aware you can ask for a charge back - would that be the next step? And are we likely to be successful if we have the frames and glass sat here (separately)- albeit useless?
  10. We’ve paid a lot of money for some Patio doors to be made. Each step of the way they have been wrong. We are now stuck with frames with no glass in and glass panels that should be in them sat in our kitchen. When fitted the doors won’t open so we can’t fit them. we have asked multiple times for the complaint procedures and have been assured that if we do XYZ they will be fine and each time they are not. what is the next step? We have the product here but it’s not fit for purpose and the company don’t seem to be planning to do anything about it despite empty promises.
  11. i'd love any advice if anyone can help, I'm fed up now as it seems this wont ever get sorted- companies arent interested in helping and Experian wont remove it without authorisation from creditors.... In 2007 I had several credit accounts opened in my name. I was unaware of this until 2011 when I began getting persistent calls and letters from a debt collection agency (lowell portfolio, Arrow Global). I contacted the credit reference agencies and found about £5000 worth of debt falsly taken out in my names- my personal details were all wrong so it was very easy to spot the fraud ones a mile off- that and my own credit has always been very well kept- I have no 'genuine' debts. On the advice of experian I contacted the agencies involved to let them know, forwarded proof of tenancy at the time credit was taken out, filled in forms that were sent and provided proof of ID. Some companies were helpful and removed the false info but still, over a year later I am struggling with Vodafone, Lowell and Arrow Global. I've sent documents back to arrow and Vodafone as requested but I have not had any correspondence from Lowell at all and despite numerous telephone calls nothing still looks to be getting sorted. After sending back the info to Arrow and vodafone, i have then heard nothing back again months later- but still nothing is changed on my credit file. Apparently it is with their 'investigations' team. Is there any more I can do? I've always had extremely good credit aside from this, I dont take on credit often- which seems to have been my downfall as they got credit in my name with no difficulty despite info being very wrong. I am hoping to get a mortgage in the near future and also expand my business, but none of this can be a possibility with my credit file in this state- its beginning to cause difficulty in my life now, but I dont know what more to do?? Thanks K
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