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  1. The Estate Agency are claiming that i need to give 2 months notice so i have to give it no later than the 1st of August by not doing so i have been told i have to see out the orginal term until the 1st of October and then im liable for 6 months rent after that also by law im leaving here on the 30th of September and i have gave them notice of that intention if i get taken to court so be it i cant have my family living like this and i get no help or assistance from the LL or the Agency Really appreciate the advice and if you have more input i would gladly like to here it thanks again:-)
  2. Hi all just registered on here as i need a little advice if anyone here can help me out please I'm in a privately rented semi-detached property which is let out from an Local Estate Agency this is due to end at the point of writing this on the 1st of October 2012, My short assured tenancy agreement states i have to give 2 months notice to leave the property which by there way of think is i should have put my notice to them on the 1st of August 2012. Im having loads of problems with my next door neighbours and it basically kicked off last night when they had a party and my wee 2 year old girl was constantly being woken up, i went to the door to ask them to calm down with all the banging etc (very polite ) i have had to go through to them about 4 times about this. to cut the story short the family became very agressive and so did there quests i called my landlord about them for the 5th time and he told me he only rents the house out to me and there was nothing he could do even though he is friends with them now my question is. if i give notice now 2 months and the date will now run over the 1st of October will i have my tenancy renew to a periodic agreement even though i want out of here no longer than the 1st of October which i believe im legally required and expected to pay full rent til that date if this makes sense, i dont mind paying my rent at all i just dont want to be stuck here for another 6 months when technically legally only signed up to be here until the 1st of October but feel im being forced to stay here and the Estate Agency are tell me i have missed my date of putting notice in and im now stuck here from now til the 6th of August and a further 6 months there after is this correct Any and all help really appreciated and hope this has made sense
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