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Everything posted by linders_85

  1. My CAB rep had a call from ACAS this afternoon and excepted a £1000 settlement just before 5pm today. He did not contact me until 6:38pm to make me aware off the offer so my tribunal may have been cancelled without my consent. He is now saying that he does not feel he can "act for me". Is there anything I can do?
  2. Thanks. Any idea how to do this? Unfortunately for financial reasons i cannot afford a barrister and am using a representative from citizens advice.
  3. My representative has been doubled booked and is due to attend two different tribunals in the same place at the same time. I really dont want to go unrepresented. Can i ask them to postpone it?
  4. i am due to take my ex employer to a tribunal for constructive dismissal over bullying from other staff. The company claim I only ever made one complaint (although I have produced eveidance that I made a further complaint 6 months later), and my employer has produced a 'defnce' pack that consists mainly of conversations between memebrs of his staff slagging me off and accusing me of things they cannot prove and do not even mention how he actually managed the situation.They have sisnce come back with several really lower offer which I have rejected (they didn't even cover my loss of earnings let alone the holiday pay they still ow me) so it looks like it will be going to court. They have now produced 4 people as witness (one is a member of staff that worked in a completely different area and that lives with the bully). I don't really see how this people can provide any evidence on his management processes and procedures or how he actually managed the situation.I strongly believe that the company are planning on turning the hearing into a witch hunt and that they are using safety in numbers in order to try and deminish my reputation in court.I don't really feel very supported by my representative at CAB.Does anyone have any advice?
  5. there was no real outcome. there was no action plan going forward after the meeting. he cut my hours down after the meeting so I guess that was his way of dealing with the situation.
  6. well he arranged a grievenace meeting with the member of staff that was bullying me but spent the who meeting making me feel like I'd been told off
  7. it was a letter from the hr people that are action on their behalf.it says that by contacting him I am harrassing an ex employee and thier witness.
  8. My lawyer at CAB said it maybe my word against his so advised me to gather as much evidence to support my claim as possible. I sent a very polite email to the ex dupty manager. I've now recieved a really snotty letter from my ex employer saying i am harrassing them and their employees and that i have no business contacting any of their current or ex employees. Was a wrong to try and clarify my version of events? Im worried i have messed up my chances in court.
  9. i have just recieved my employers responce pack for the tribunal and the dates for his evidence in the pack are completely difference to the statement he gave indefence of my ET1 claim. Will these indescrepancies help my case?
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