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  1. when I looked at my loan policy I have noticed it. says it was for a car it. wasn't I dont even drive it was a vet bill but never noticed. I have also been told I cannot claim back the ppi as blackhorse wasn't in the fsa then
  2. My daughters Fiancee is umemployed at the moment and is constantly struggling to keep his head above water as soon as his benefits go in its gobbled up by bank charges My daughter is now pregnantt and they desperatley need to save and he cannot go to work till he has his health sorted. We wrote to Natwest who have just said he needs to change bank accounts and will not send him his 4 years of statements until he pays £10.00. Any help gratefully Annie
  3. My daughters fiance is umemployed at the moment and is constantly struggling to keep his head above water as soon as his benefits go in its gobbled up by bank charges My daughter is now pregnantt and they desperatley need to save and he cannot go to work till he has his health sorted. We wrote to Natwest who have just said he needs to change bank accounts and will not send him his 4 years of statements until he pays £10.00. Any help gratefully Annie
  4. Just had a reply from Abbey but they haven't sent me what i asked for i asked for everything they held on me from opening of my account in 1992-2000 but for the third time they have just sent me 2002-2006 we were very lucky in that we got our first payout for 2000-2006 in July 2006 before they put everything on hold. But on the forms they have sent there is no mention of this as a refund i am taking it that if they did then they would be admitting it was a refund instead of a good will gestur. But i take it there not actually reading anyones letter properly as there not saying that they don't hold the info. Not sure where to go now Annie
  5. Thanks still waiting on Abbey sending me my requested stuff. Trouble with Vista you can never open a form properly A
  6. If your claimimg further back than 6 years how do you work your interest out. My computer is Vista so have trouble opening lots of the files A
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