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  1. My doctors don't even know everything, I have a support worker and lawyer (they only know the basics) but neither attended the tribunla that was just me/my sister and mother (as witnesses) because they help me day to day. I'll get intouch my local phychologist and go from there.
  2. Speaking with anyone whether its face to face or via the phone makes me so anxiouse, i get breathless, i go deaf even my sight blures. I'v been on medication for depression and anxiety for 5 years i'm on the highest i can be with the side affect being too great for me. I'v been to many counselors (I don't trust anyone not even family)to speak truthful and open about anything, I'v not tried a phychologist though, though i imagine i would have to trust one to allow them to assist me.
  3. I recently won my appeal so i've just been put on ESA Work related activity component. Why would i be put on that when i suffer with such severe depression/anxiety and especially social anxiety, i can barely meet with one person i do not know, i can not even see my family in groups. I don't want to lose out on any more money or support full stop. I never asked to be mentally ill, never asked to have these breakdowns, I can't go to all these meeting, having to go to the tribunal or the original medical assessment nearly finished me off, at these meetings i can get my words out i cant talk to these people so its all looked at like i don't care, these breakdowns were not self inflicted i'v never touched drugs/alcohol or even cigerettes yet all these people get their habit paid for in bulk when i can not even afford to eat on a daily basis. What can i do that isn't going to stop/mess up my payment and takes the less amount of meeting etc...help anyone.
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