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Everything posted by StageD

  1. ...good point I can't believe we hadn't already done this O.O We'll do that tomorrow in the daylight before she comes round
  2. Hey all, hope someone can point me in the right direction. My Mother-in-Law has moved house and tomorrow is the day the 'old landlord' is coming to have a look and check everything is up to scratch. She would like to take a letter with her for both of them to sign to say that everything is satisfactory with the LL (assuming it is [it should be]). Is there a template she could use on here, or could someone draft something that would be acceptable? The reason we're a little bit wary and want this is because the LL himself died recently and we're dealing with his wife, whom we've never met and we've no idea what she'll be like with all this. No estate agent to go through unfortunately either.
  3. Hey guys, just wanted to get some advice. I've had no response from the email I sent and its been just over a week now. Where should I go from here? Email again, or email someone else? The guy whose info I was sent by Orange called them up and got his money back for unlocking his phone, and while that would be welcome it doesn't fix the inherent problem :-\
  4. Thanks, exactly my thoughts too, I'll email them straight away.
  5. Hey guys, hope someone can help, I'm trying to find an e-mail address to complain to EE or Orange to, I'm not sure which one I'll need to go through for this complaint. I sent an online request to unlock my husbands phone 3 days ago and woke up this morning to an email to unlock a phone, but it was someone else's full name, phone number, different phone and IMEI number. While I've since received an email with the details to unlock my husbands phone, I'm very worried that I've got someone else's details sent to me. The phone we've got was locked to Orange but I went through the EE website to unlock it. While I'm not the one whose details have gone astray here I still feel the need to inform someone that somethings gone wrong herer Many thanks anyway, Stage D
  6. Hi all, hoping someone can help with our current situation. My husband has recently been diagnosed with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), and has thankfully been put on the waiting list for a Psychologist. However, in the mean time a few things have cropped up that we could use some help with. Briefly, BPD is a disorder that causes overwhelming feelings of distress and anxiety, problems self-managing feelings without self-harm, problems with being impulsive. Firstly he's been let go from his work. He was working long term through an agency at a public recycling centre, and they've let him go because he's not been pulling his weight recently (due to his BPD). This leaves us in a bit of a pickle where it comes to income, though I've still got my job working 20 hours a week. Due to his BPD he's not really able to search for work at the moment, nor would be really be able to perform at work either. His doctor did offer him a sick note just before he got let go, but he declined due to needing to keep the job, something he felt was threatened if he took time off sick. Wishing he'd taken that option now So we're trying to work out what benefit he really needs to be looking into for the moment, until he starts getting treatment, or naturally comes out of this episode. We've also got 2 loans, a credit card and a £1000 overdraft that's maxed out. What can we do with regards to these in the meantime to help our money situation? Also can anyone recommend a mental health support forum at all, if allowed? I think we could both use some help with this atm:sad: I'm sure there was more I wanted to ask, but at the mo thats all I can remember Many thanks in advance to all StageD
  7. This thread is horrifying, I haven't watched the program and I'm not going to now! Stearing clear from C4 for a while too :-\
  8. I can have an educated guess that the reason you're being held liable for the full amount of damage is to keep the insurance cost of the company down. I used to work for a Taxi company, and the boss would say to his own drivers that if they had an accident then they would be responsible for any claims that were settled without insurers being involved, i.e (relatively) low cost claims. This worked well for the company as a whole, as the Company Drivers had an incentive not to crash (other than the usual obviously) and the Owner Drivers 'rent' was kept down as well because the total company costs were kept low. This worked until there were about 4 accidents that happened within about 2 weeks, all fairly high amounts, and the boss had to basically sack 14 or so drivers because his fleet insurance skyrocketed and it wasn't viable to do it anymore.
  9. Hey Assisted Blonde, if I were sanctioned for a while... it would depend on how long. Short term it would be fine, we could last a month on our current money situation if my husbands work dried up, he's been working for a company through an agency atm with a big promise of a full job at the end of it, however he's heard today his hours may get cut shortly and we're a bit in limbo because of it now :-\ (found this out since first posting earlier). But then again, if I get the news in a couple of days that they're going to let me go, its going to be a bit of a moot point, I'll have to deal with whatever happens I feel the same way as you in that I want to stop wasting their time (and mine tbh) and, like you say, they can start training someone else more suitable.
  10. I totally agree with you Steampowered, 5 weeks in a 3 month training? 'You're in training, of course you're going to need all that time to get up to speed'. I've been telling myself this for weeks (I've obviously been worrying for a while) but it's not a case of I've got no basis for my worries, the Manager has said to me both today and yesterday that I have to speed up or they wont be able to keep me. I'd love to think I could stick it out the whole 3 months, but that just isn't the case. It's not out of the blue so much as I've had two 'warnings' about it already. As for the benefits side there are some circumstances where they will let you (such as moving across the country as I did in November), although I think you have to be eligible for Contribution based, but that might be wrong and you can get Income Based if needed.
  11. Hi Emmzzi, like you say, sometimes things just don't work out and noone is to blame. I did think that resigning would potentially cause issues, but I didn't realise that if they sacked me it could too. That's worrying. They are friendly, though I've had little chance to form any friendly relationships as I've been so focused on trying harder, and the Manager was unfortunately not there for about 2/3 weeks so I had little chance to get a sense of their temperament though it does seem friendly, when I'm not panicking about how they'll react to things. If I was to go this route though what 'other reason' might be acceptable? Would not being suitable for a job not be? (acceptable that is) I was claiming JSA for almost exactly 3 months (give or take a couple of days) on Contribution based so have another 3 months I believe.
  12. Hi there, no threat of Disciplinary at all, I'm still in a 3 month training period. I simply cannot reach the level of speed they require me to be at for this far into my training, and the manager has said to me in the last couple of days if there's no improvement then they'll have to let me go. I know my own 'limitations' though and don't feel that I can reach their speed targets in and reasonable amount of time
  13. Hi all, I started a new job about 4/5 weeks ago but it isn't going well. Its very timed and speed focused and I just CANT get to the speed they want/need their employees to achieve. Other trainees are managing this. I can't see how I can improve myself anymore (it's a physical job and I get the feeling that my previous 5 year desk job hasn't aided me in moving to this kind of situation) so feel like dismissal is going to be inevitable. What I'd like to get an opinion of is whether I should quit or should I wait to be dismissed. I'm very tempted to 'just' quit as it's really stressing me out constantly worrying about time targets and if I'm getting it wrong, and why I'm so bad etc, and dreading the next day at work. Money isn't a (major) issue as my husbands wage is supporting us adequately at the moment, but I would be looking to go back on JSA(Contribution) and also need to consider how it would look on my CV in the future. Is it better to look like I took responsibility myself and quit a job before they had to fire me, or to let them fire me and let future employers know? Thanks in advance StageD
  14. Thanks for the reply, that clears up a little bit of the confusion, and I supposed it would be something like that. What if it was the other way around though, and he was on contribution and I was on income base? For that matter, why have we managed to both get jsa© granted to us in a joint claim? We are both eligible for jsa© in our own rights, and it is only due to the fact that we had to put that we were living under the same roof that we ended up in a joint claim. While this did try and put us into jsa© and jsa (ib) we queried it and they referred it to (someone, finance dept?) and we have both received letters, seprately, saying we are eligable for jsa©.
  15. Hi all, a benefit specific question for the experts as it seems to have our Job Center stumped. My husband and I are claiming JSA Contribution, in a joint claim. I am the lead claimant. He has now managed to secure a job working 15 hours a week at £6.21 per hour. We called the JSA to inform them of this and find out how it would affect our benefit etc and the guy on the phone pretty much contradicted himself and we got nowhere other than him saying we needed to go into the Job Center to let them know. Down at the Job center however the guy on the front desk seemed to think there was an issue as well. While he agreed my benefit wouldn't be effected he couldn't tell us how my husbands would be. I'm hoping someone here will be able to help. They were going on about something to do with a £5 dispensation (I think that's what it was called) but that would get wiped out because he was working for more than that... I'm just very confused. We're due to go back in on Friday because he was referring it to the manager (!) to get their decision. But if anyone is able to help us out with some info in the mean time that'd really help because we need to get our finances back in line, especially as we've just had a £400 debt his our doorstep from the taxman that we'd not known about before. Our previous workplace's accountant was utterly useless it seems. Any help is always appreciated, this site is brilliant PS: does anyone know how to work out what tax my husband should be paying once he gets his first pay day? Or how much the Taxman might take each month to pay off the outstanding bill?
  16. Thanks Antone for getting back to me, I've only noticed this today myself so appologies from me as well I've come to the decision that I think, overall, we do need to seriously consider making token payments to our debtors, but how should I go about doing this? I would guess there's a template letter on the forum, but would it be worth popping into our banks branch & speaking about our situation & our options? We want to keep this as amicable as possible as we're not trying to avoid our debt, we just want to be able to manage it correctly. If we go down this route however who will we continue to deal with? Would our bank continue to manage us, or would they pass us off to debt collectors? While I'm fine with the second option, as I've read so much positive help on this forum that there shouldn't be a problem dealing with DCA's, my husband has a deathly fear of them, from when he was a child in a very debt riddled household. I've tried to talk to him about it, but he gets very panicked & stressed, & suffers from depression, & cannot keep a straight head when it comes to this kind of thing Many thanks to everyone here, it's such a reassurance to have all the knowledge stored here for reference, and informed people to ask when needed
  17. My experience with Dell has not been positive I'll admit. My hubby and I bought about 6 years ago now a very expensive (£3000) gaming laptop from Alienware, a company that specialises in high end hardware, that was bought by Dell. We took out an extended warranty (3 years) just to be safe (yes I now know this wasnt worth the paper it was written on). All was well until approx one and a half year later when the thing wouldn't boot. With my husband and I being computer savvy we instantly diagnosed the fault through its 'bios beep code'- (an audible code that plays on attempting to boot a faulty pc)- the RAM was gone. So calling Alienware I (eventually) got through to a very foreign gentleman in god knows where. I said 'the bios beep code is bla bla bla which means RAM broken!' He then spent 45 minutes telling me to take the laptop apart piece by piece until he decided from his script 'Its the RAM!' -.- Unfortunately Dell were already the new owners of alienware. If we'd realised that maybe we would have been braced for what was to come. Within 8 months the same problem arose. Again we called Alienware/Dell, again told them the problem (and that it was the second time it had happened), and again, 45 minutes later...'it's the RAM!' So off it goes and a month later back it comes and alls well(!) 3/4 months later- same thing... When it went again 4 months after that time, outside the warranty, we decided enough was enough & didn't bother. So I'd steer clear of Dell- while the laptop was originally Alienware, it was Dells replacement hardware that failed 3 times, Dell that broke one of the lid locks, Dell that sent it back with a different lid case (original was airbrushed, replacement wasnt) and Dell that god knows how much of my time on the phone to them, queuing & diagnosing my own pc! I'll admit, I'm biased, I had a bad experience, but it's my personal experience, and that's all I'll give-no rumours, no lies -D
  18. Yeah it's hard to offend me I posted in the debt forums as I did think other benefits would be a long shot While I've got you however, on JSA© if we get temp work or agency & sign off, then rapid reclaim (as my husband has done a few times now) do the weeks we weren't signed on for still count (ie my husbands claim ends in February) or do we get an 'extension' from our original finish date? Like you say, hopefully it won't be necessary to know, but just in case ;-) D
  19. Hi, thanks for replying [*]Do you and your partner have combined savings or other assets over £16,000? Over £6000? Nope, we've no savings at all [*]Do you have any source of income other than benefits? If so, what is that source? No other income unless my hubby has agency work (which is kinda random, depends on which manager is in each week it seems as to wether they ask him back [*]What type of place will you live in when you move - own home, private rented accommodation, with his mum, or whatever? We will be living with my husbands mum & stepdad, and will be paying them rent/housekeeping whenever we can. I don't mind answering any questions really, I'm fairly open about my life situation, especially if it means I can clarify stuff to help get accurate answers Thanks again, D
  20. Hi all, I've been a lurker here for a while now but our own money 'problems' are about to come to a head and I'm hoping I can get some advice. Ok, from the beginning; My husband and I have for the longest time wanted to move across the country to where his mum lives, however we've never been in enough of a stable position to attempt it. Our situation came to a point recently where we decided that it was a case of now or never; either we just go for it or forget all about it. So, we went for it So my husband handed in his notice and moved in with his mum while signing up for JSA contribution based at the end of August, and is desperately trying to fine a permanent job. No luck yet, but he has got an agency job atm that is looking promising. I've just handed in my notice to my work with my last day being 16/11/12 and am hoping to also sign onto JSA contribution based (I cant see this being a problem) Our 'Problem' is that we do have a couple of debts that we will be taking with us, and while on JSA might cause a few money issues. While we believe that our income will cover our outgoings, but if an emergency crops up then we will probably be stuffed. Firstly; Are there any other benefits we'd be able to claim for? (I don't think so but it doesnt hurt to ask ) Secondly; Is there anything I can do about the two Loans and credit card we have? I don't want 'find a way' to 'get out of them', I made the debt and I'm happy to pay them back. I'd like to say it shouldn't be an issue, but I'd rather think about it now than when we're up to our ears in Debt Collector threats. In other threads I've seen ppl get their interest frozen and charges halted, but that's when the debt is already defaulted. Is there anything like this I can request of my bank during the next few tough months, just to help us out a bit? Fingers crossed I've not waffled on too much and got the main points across, thanks in advance all
  21. From what I can see the very bottom sign says that parking and loading rights are suspended for the dates of 28/07/12 & 28/07/12, and on the 04/08/12 and 07/08/12. Isn't that last date the date you say parked on?
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