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  1. Today settled the matter with rail company. Last suggestion: On Friday they sent me a letter stating that they think court is better way and they would apply for summons and once received by them, they would forward it to me. I received this on Saturday. I replied via email and appealed. Today they accepted and finally asked to pay £120, which I paid over the phone. Question: would they have applied for summons so early? Will anything come on my police character certificate issued by ACRO. Regards and thanks all.
  2. Yes it is to do with US permanent resident visa. I already had plans to go as earlier mentioned and was thinking that it could save me money, before this for my entire stay here I've never done such thing. Now if I plead guilty and write apologetic letter and request for out of court settlement, will that work? In that case I don't get issued with criminal record or do I?
  3. I'm permanently leaving the country. Later in time I would require police character certificate of UK as I lived here nearly for 3 years.
  4. Please reply people. A blunder made by me, feeling like hell now.
  5. Hello there. I was travelling from Station A to Station B operated by southern rail today. My personal circumstances don't allow me to spend a lot of money on travel. My mum is suffering of cancer and her treatment is expensive back home, so I need to send money home. Now today I just exit station B and was caught by RPO. He issued me with caution. This is the first time I did and now repenting why I did this but it was only because of the financial help I'm bound to do for my family. He read out the statement that I am not being arrested and if I say anything etc.... now I asked him about what's gonna happen, he said it's fare evasion and had he not stopped, I could have continued my journey. I said I'm sorry and offered penalty fare but he said no, I'll receive a letter from company etc. Does this caution go National Police Computer or criminal record? What can I do? What are the possible outcomes? Secondly I'm also leaving country next month. I've read a few forums that suggest it can take weeks to get a letter. I'd no previous criminal record or caution in 3 years. If they send the letter after I have left the country, what will happen and my US immigration is in process as well, could it ruin my case? Please help! Regards, ABC.
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