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  1. Thank you. The answer is "I don't know". The solicitor said they had sent the court a letter for an application for the stay on 8th Aug (Sat - 2 days prior to my court date) but obviously it hadn't gone through the system on Monday. It sounded like the court will hear the case but in a block of several claimants, whether this is by bank or amount or what I don't know, but I am hoping it will proceed. Will keep you informed.
  2. Eventually got my court date through. And today I went to court - Ilford County Court. Saw solicitors representative who queried whether I was going to accept "stay" or not. Obviously I said I wasn't so we went in !! Had a deputy judge who doesn't usually sit at that court so said he would go by the "usual practice" of this court. He wasn't even going to hear my case as all he was there for was to let me know about the usual practice of the court!!! Consequently, after taking the afternoon off work, had all my papers prepared, got my questions, the deputy judge said that in this court, on this type of claim, the usual practice is to put this through to a "block list" where another judge, on another day (more time off work for me) would see about a dozen claimants for the same thing and all we could do was go home and wait for Ilford to contact us "sometime in the future". I actually rang the court this morning to see if it was worth attending with all the discussions regarding this "stay" that the banks are requesting and they said that yes the case was being heard ! What a waste of time. Has anyone else been through this nonsense ?
  3. It is now a month since I received "Notice of Transfer of Proceedings" form and as I had not been contacted by the court, I decided to ring them. I was informed that the case has been logged onto their system but they have not received the file from Nottingham!! The local court will now contact Nottingham and request copies of the file (more waiting) and once they have received them, will contact me!!!
  4. Thank you everyone. I have decided to wait for the court to contact me and will let you know how it goes from there. I have sat and read all the threads and printed off loads of useful info (just in case I am the one that goes to court!) Christine p.s. just for the record - I am female Not that that will make any difference to the outcome of the claim !!!
  5. Thank you very much. The 28 days would have been up on Monday and I would have been able to issue a judgement BUT HSBC got the defence in at the last minute!! Here's hoping I don't actually have to attend and they pay up at the last minute also. Thanks again.
  6. I have received a notice of transfer of proceedings and the line asking me to complete the allocation questionnaire has been crossed out and attached is a letter stating "The filing of an allocation questionnaire be dispensed with in this case unless the District Judge at the court of transfer orders otherwise" What does this mean for me to do ? Should I contact the court direct ?(they have transferred it to Ilford County Court) Should I wait for the court to contact me? If anyone has any advice it would be gratefully be received !!!! Thank you
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