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Everything posted by 4lter

  1. So I've had my head in the sand with this company and not dealt with them in over one year. So I should write to the above as you suggested. I need to write and get their complaints procedure. They haven't said this letter is about my debt, the recipient thinks it's fraud should I tell her it's my debt? She is waiting for a call back from them is it likely they will call and give her info about my debt to them?
  2. So I will try and keep this short. About two years ago I took a pdloan with PDE for around £300. After missing my payment they promptly passed my case on from collector to collector I haven't heard from them in about one year. Today someone else in my household who has never had a pay day loan nor knows iv had a payday loan got a default letter in the post this morning from PDE claiming she owes £900. She called them and they said they would call her back within one week. Just to be clear she's unaware of my debt and is not guarantor of any sort.
  3. Got a letter saying I need to pay £1 for either a bill or the original agreement. Damn I hate dealing with clowns lol.
  4. I got a letter saying I owe nearly £900 to CapQuest, I couldn't believe this so asked for more details. Then I provided my name and address that's as far as Iv got.
  5. I feel like such an idiot for getting stuck in this mess and also for falling for all this crap.
  6. Thanks imp just trying not to ignore anyone who contacts me, Marshall whores turning up at my door that one time scared me a bit.
  7. I got a letter from advantis saying they are collecting on behalf of capquest, I emailed them asking for details about my account and they demanded I provided name and address and date of birth before releasing any details about me, I sent them my name and address because they already have these but not my date of birth, they are insisting they need this, why should I send them this when the letter they sent me didn't include it, do they even know my DOB? Are they fishing for more info about me. So in short should I provide my DOB to get a copy of my accounts or should they be showing me what I ask for anyway?
  8. OH sorry must of missed that bit! Thank you for being so helpful.
  9. Any ideas why they are writing from Web Loans Processing Limited and not TFF?
  10. Hi so I need a bit of help! I complained to FOS and today I got an email from webloansprocessing.com saying "I have thoroughly reviewed your file and can see that you took out a loan of £200 on the 26th August 2011. The loan was on a 14-28 day basis. Interest is charged at the rate of £36 every 14 days. As a result of this your remaining balance is £1886." they then go on to say could accept a payment plan on 20 months of £50, reducing the amount to £1000. Is this my best option should I accept this? Why is there no mention of TFF in the email just webloanprocessing?
  11. Marshall Hoares came to my house about my TFF loan, I sent them away and they have done nothing buy email me still. They are asking for 1900 on a 200 loan they know I'm out of employment and haven't taken me to court.
  12. I contacted TFL today to explain my situation they now want a p45 should I send it? They sent me an instant auto reply they must of picked up on the word unemployed... Dear#### Thank you for emailing us. Unemployment It is advisable that during this period you stay in regular contact with your Creditors to avoid extra penalty fees. We are sympathetic to your situation. At the time you took out the loan you were expecting payment from #### on 30.09.11. In order for us to help it is important that we establish that the loan was taken with accurate information and that your subsequent loss of employment can be substantiated. Please send: 1. a copy of your P45 as well as a copy of your redundancy 2. proof of any income support and / or benefits you receive 3. the maximum* amount you are able to pay 4. how regularly* you will be able to pay this We will also now contact your employer to confirm your redundancy in the event that these documents are not recieved and/or the loan is not settled in full. The total amount you owe is GBP 1778. Please note: - WE WILL NOT be able to accept any payment plan until YOU have provided us with this information. - that any inconsistency discovered will be REPORTED to the relevant authorities and make you INELIGIBLE for a payment plan. * depending on what you can pay we may be able to stop legal and recovery fees being added to your file and stop any adverse credit. If you are not able to make such payments then we will have no choice but to pass your file to third party Recovery Agents who will visit your home to discuss the debt. This will incur further fees and impact your credit file. We look forward to hearing from you TODAY on 08000 882 222 to achieve a speedy and cost effective resolution to this matter. Remember payments can be made by visiting our webiste http://www.toothfairyfinance.com and clickin g the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Pay Now\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" section Payment Plans It is always advisable to stay in contact with your creditors to avoid additional penalty charges. Loans are meant to be repaid in full at the end of the initial loan term. This is made very clear in the terms and conditions you agreed to when you took out the loan. We cannot accept a payment plan. Please confirm when you will be making FULL PAYMENT to close your file. Please note payment of GBP 1778 needs to be made by 14.12.12 to stop this file being passed to third party Recovery Agents and further fees being added. however...... you can rollover / extend your loan by just paying the interest on day 28 of your loan. You will receive an email explaining this when you are eligible Yours sincerely ANTI-FRAUD
  13. Telephone them at let them know up front if possible, this could avoid a letter.Just a thought
  14. http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/ I have complained here in the past actually!
  15. I'm only 20 I know little about what I should and shouldn't be doing in regards to complaining Iv contacted OFT that's all so far.
  16. Okay so I sent them a message via website saying someone came to my house and I didn't want another visit (again using the template in a previous post) They replied: We cannot deal with your request via email. I emailed them again asking for an Address to where I can send a Letter They replied: Can only call or use the website. :-x:-x
  17. He gave me an unofficial looking letter that says marshall hoares bailiffs. I told him I wrote them to say I didn't want and appointment and he said it didn't matter. I have complained in the past and will complain about this visit BUT I still have to pay what I owe should I just do it or try and get them to agree to something in writing?
  18. Well that's interesting, yet they still email me from TFF and have a website!
  19. Oh and by the way he never called me like he said he would.
  20. How do I approach them and say look I only owe you original loan + 1 months interest? I can see them putting up a lot of resistance, do I contact the guy who came to my door who said he was working with Marshall Whores? Toothfairy or do I contact the other company harrasing me Northern?
  21. HELP someone just came to my door stating they are from Marshal Hoares I sent them away but said they could phone me later to set up a payment plan if they could get it to me in writing. He said if I don't pay they will only send the bailiffs eventually. This is a £200 debt I rolled over once £270 and paid the £36 extension. Now they are asking over 1700! I said I wrote to them saying they can only visit me with appointment and he said they would only send more then the bailiffs.
  22. As I was writing the above message I got an email from their other company... This is a reminder that you committed to pay back your ToothFairy Pay Day Loan debt. This debt is now very overdue. We have allowed you to extend the loan as a goodwill gesture. As part of settling this debt you are committed to paying GBP 36 by 28.09.2012. In accordance wih the Standard Terms and Conditions you agreed to, we will be automatically taking payment tomorrow as agreed. Please ensure the amount of GBP 36 is available by midnight tonight. If there are insufficient funds in the account the payment might fail and all charges will IMMEDIATELY become due, ALL back dated interest, penalty fees will be charged. Recovery Agents will be sent to all addresses we have on file for you in order to obtain payment. Should this also prove unsuccessful we will be liai sing with solicitors who will obtain a County Court Judgement against you. Once this is secured we will return with a Warrant of Execution from the County Court and certified Court Bailiffs to seize goods at 9 times the value of what you owe. IT IS ESSENTIAL you HONOUR this agreement If you have any questions regarding this, or willbe unable to pay contact customer services NOW. Yours sincerely, COLLECTIONS NORTHERN DEBT RECOVERY
  23. So I wrote to them telling them I didn't want a home visit with the wording I was told to use and I am still getting emails like the one below, so I'm going to FW to the right people and complain again, just really hoping they don't show up! Client: ToothFairy Finance Ltd - ToothFairy Pay Day Loan Client Ref: Date: 27/09/2012 Dear Mr w, We are writing to give you formal notice that ToothFairy Finance Ltd - ToothFairy Pay Day Loan has legally assigned the rights of the above debt to Marshall Hoares Bailiffs. This means that Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited now legally own this debt. YOU WILL HAVE OR WILL SHORTLY RECEIVE A HOME VISIT We intend to pursue you fully for all outstanding sums (GBP 1598) including any fees we incur collecti ng this debt. Payment in full must be received no later than 17:00 to avoid further door collection fees being added to your file. DO NOT IGNORE OR THIS WILL COST YOU MORE Debt GBP 1244 Missed Payment Fee 5 (day 85) GBP 10 Missed Payment Fee 4 (day 71) GBP 10 Missed Payment Fee 3 (day 57) GBP 10 Solicitors - Case Preparation GBP 150 Missed Payment Fee 2 (day 43) GBP 10 NDR Accept Case File GBP 200 Repayments todate GBP 36 Total GBP 1598 TAKE NOTICE: You should accept this letter as formal notification that unless payment is received within 4 days then your account will be fast-tracked and considered for the following: Consequences of inaction: 1. Court Judgement legal action will be automatically started in the County Court for recovery of the full amount outstanding. Any such proceedings will include additional claims for legal c osts and interest which will increase the amount you will be required to pay. 2. Warrant of execution will be applied for to enable us to seize goods at your addresses and or an attachment of your earnings. 3. Register of Judgements any judgement will be entered in a public register, the Register of Judgements, Orders and Fines Credit Reference Agencies, who will supply them to credit grantors and others seeking information on you financial reputation. This will make it very difficult for you to get credit. 4. Credit reference ToothFairy Finance Ltd have already advised the Credit Reference Agencies of your DEFAULT. This may seriously affect your ability to obtain credit in the future. Once the balance is paid in full, only then will the default be shown as “Default Satisfied”. To AVOID A HOME VISIT or further action you should PAY IMMEDIATELY 1. online using a card by visiting: http://www.marshallhoares.com OR 2. at bank either over the counter at the bank or by electronic transfer to: Barclays Bank Account Number: 93462382 Sort Code: 20-50-94 Reference: Use your mobile number (447766484988) as a reference This debt will not go away and should not be ignored You can contact us on 08433811111 to discuss your outstandig debt. Yours Faithfully Anti - Fraud Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Telephone: 0843 381 1111
  24. Thank you again imp, I will read that now. Just hope if they do come it's when I'm in and not when someone else is at home. Edit: After reading that shall I write to them saying I don't want an appointment with them?
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