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Everything posted by WIff

  1. I was told the company were now more tech focused and I needed to learn to understand it more - Training in this area, I don't need training to be offensive. But you are right, I do need to move on
  2. Thanks for the reply. In regards to No 4 - I've asked for training to be given (as other members of my team have had this) but it's not been offered to me. The whole incident seems extremely harsh to say that is bullying as the word was said to a colleague about this person, not to this persons face and it's a one time thing that has happened in my 2 and 6 mths at the company. In the past months I have complained about another manager and the way he spoke to me, he actually sellotaped my laptop to my desk - as far as I am aware he wasn't given a warning, so I feel I am being treated unfairly to further the aim of getting me to leave. I have decided to leave the place and I am being interviewed, but I am just not going to be treated unfairly here. The company have sent me their disciplinary policy and no verbal warning is given, it's direct into a written warning - which seems at odds with the company advice ACAS give for a first time offence. What do you think ?
  3. I had a meeting with my manager today and was told that they want to give me a warning over an incident when I'd called someone in our team a prick. I was told it was aggressive behaviour and the warning was bullying. No formal warning process is in place at my company and when I mentioned this I was told that I would be sent a process. My manager then told me I should take the weekend to consider my position. I was told that the company has changed a lot in the time I've been here (2 yrs 6 mths) and I hadn't evolved with them. I didn't seem to want to fit in or work with people and my attitude was not right. I was told the company were now more tech focused and I needed to learn to understand it more. I was told that I had 2 options. 1 - I "Decide" that the company isn't right for me any longer and if I want to remain 2 - I remain in the role and take a warning for my behaviour the previous week. I am at a bit of a loss, I have told them I want to remain and want to be trained. Even if I don't (longterm) manage to fit in it will at least buy me some time. I feel I am being forced out by a manager who doesn't want me. Legally I am not sure how this can happen either. Any further advice ?
  4. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed and complete reply. I will take that on board.
  5. I've worked at my current role for 2 and half years. For 2 yrs I had two managers, neither of which ever raised any problem with my work. The company I work for are very small and we don't have any appraisal or any HR process - so my feedback had always come via 1to1 meetings with my managers. Over my 2 yrs I had also been given praise from some of our clients over work delivered. Six months ago I got a new manager. At our 3rd meeting she told me she had concerns over my work, suggesting I wasn't fulfilling the job as she'd see fit and had told the company directors I was thinking of leaving. This stemmed from a private conversation I had had in an earlier session which I joked about leaving - unfortunately this was taken literally and passed on to the company director as fact - something I wasn't very pleased about. At the same (3rd) meeting I was told that I'd need to improve or it "wouldn't end well". Understandable this shook me up. After that meeting relations didn't improve. For the past couple of months I continued to do my job as I had before, and a couple of times since I have been told I need to do things to match her way of doing things - nothing has ever been written down - it's all verbal. I've also been given new processes and systems to work on, but no training has been given other than the offer of sitting with my manager when she's available to be shown. I have done this, but lately I am asked for forward work to her for approval, or for her to update rather than me spending time on it. I am made to feel like a spare part. I have understandably become a lot less confident in my role as I feel I am not supported. This in turn has made me more withdrawn with my colleagues. Recently I've been told that directors have been discussing me (openly) suggesting if my quieter mood doesn't improve there would be consequences. I did try and meet with my director to discuss, but he didn't follow up on my requests and frankly gave me the impression he wasn't keen to meet. We have no written disciplinary process other than a sketchy paragraph in my contract about "not fulfilling my role". I am keen to know legally if I do have an employment law I can refer to ?
  6. Think I am building a few examples to raise a grievance. I also found out about a job on my account which is coming up. I had a meeting with HR on the Thursday, and was told they weren't aware of any possible roles. The following Monday I was told (off the record by a colleague) of someone leaving. The person leaving had resigned and the job spec was already being written. When I asked my manager why I wasn't told of this potential opportunity he told me maybe HR thought it was too beneath me to be of interest. Despite the fact I had done this role at a previous company. When I pushed my boss he told me 'you can't be negative about HR otherwise I won't be able to help you find a new role' !
  7. I understand only one other is "at risk". So yes. I asked for feedback on why I didn't get an interview, I've also asked HR if my understanding of being "obliged" to interview from that list is correct, I have quoted my former manager as I was in the same position when interviewing earlier this year.
  8. Further development, can someone advise me on this and the legality:_ I have been added to an internal list of staff to be redeployed. This list is for managers recruiting to check against when a role comes up to attempt to keep staff within the company. All sorts of staff are on the list, and it can be people who are "at risk of redundancy" or people who are looking for a change. I was once told by my manager that we are "obliged" to give interviews to staff from the list who have the relevant background. I applied for an internal role last week, and was told I wouldn't get an interview, the reason being "The other candidates were stronger and had more experience in the role". My question is whether it is legal for them to exclude me from interview as 75% of the role is background in what I have. By not giving me an interview is it realistic to argue that the compnay aren't doing all they can to reassign me, especially as I have discovered the favourite for the role is moving internally and not "at risk" as I am, so if they don't get the job they still remain in a role. Unlike someone in my position ? Would I have cause to raise a grievance ?
  9. Meet HR today, more of the same, am getting the feeling work just want me gone to save the money, despite what my manager was saying about 'it costs the company money to make people redundant'. Not sure what money ?
  10. I am calling my network, and pushing that possibility. But am just trying anything I can to slow the process. Sadly the sick angle was all I can think of, but I can really see them saying 'well if you are suffering we'll let you go now' which is defeating the purpose of what I am trying to archieve.
  11. Ok, that's not ideal but I can see what you are saying and it makes sense. So the website is being stopped and the supporting roles will be stopped too as they were put in place specifically for the site. There is no TUPE as the company I work for have another 2 yrs on the contract so the role will not continue. Any other ideas I could try to buy some time ?
  12. Hi there, my first time on this forum, but have been reading with interest several posts from users about Redundancy and would like some advice if you have time please. I've worked at a company for just short of 5 yrs. In that time I've had excellent reviews and am considered a good worker. About 18 mths ago I was promoted to manage a team working on a website for the client who we work with. All going great, been regularly told what a success the website was and how good we were doing. Then a few changes at the cleint end and on Wednesday 8th I was asked to attend a meeting with my line manager where I was told the cleint have withdrawn funding for the website and effectively my role will disappear. Attended a HR meeting Thursday 9th and was told unless I can find something else internally (using contacts I have or staff vacancy lists) by 23rd August I will then be put on my contractual 1 mth notice period and loose my job on 23rd Sept. No alternatives were suggested at the meeting, although I have forced a meeting with HR tomorrow (Monday 13th) to see if they have anything in the pipeline which isn't on any vacancy lists. My main questions are around the length of time I am being given. I have suffered from Anxiety attacks, stress and migraine in the past and had medical treatment to this end, this can be verified on my company records as it was about 2 yrs ago. Since this bad news I've not slept properly, had a mild anxiety attack, had migraines and can't eat/digest properly. I am keen to know if I have any medical grounds to slow the process, so I have more time to find alternative works. Any advice ?
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