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Everything posted by mellymoo74

  1. If they think writing off fees that weren't owed anyway gets me to go away they are in for a small shock! Don't worry like it or not you lot are stuck with me I want to do my best to ensure they don't [problem] anyone else!
  2. Got a letter closing the file from Equita this morning like that's going to stop me lol
  3. Good now we need to put together a reason why they should take it back, you need to let them know what you will be paying to BCC and how often and NEVER deviate from it.Let me know if you need me to help you word an email.
  4. what do you think? too OFT, BCC, Equita and Crapita I contacted yourselves early in the process of dealing with both Equita and BCC with regards to a council tax arrears that I had and the front loading of fees from Equita. I wish to add the following to my complaint. Today I have received a letter dated the 27/09/2012 asking for £205.31 initially Equita requested charges of £189 this had been dropped to visit fee £24.50 levy fee £30 card processing fee £1.50 removing one of the visit fees and the van fee as a gesture of goodwill and until I made my final payment through the automated service to BCC on 27th September there was a total of £157.49 remaining on my LO as you can see these amounts don't match. As you can see from the email chain below I dispute that any visit occurred at all and as I have consistantly stated I can in fact prove that no visits have taken place as CVCHA have a CCTV camera that points at my front door and this shows that on both of the dates in question there was no one other than the postman who came to my front door. I had to chase for the information on the supposed levy, unfortunately no only do I have a public car park at the front of my property but a vehicle of that make model and registration number has never parked in the car park and also is not parked within a 15 minute walking time radius of my property. I am extremely concerned that if any form of visit has occurred Equita have negligently put my personal information through someone elses letterbox which is a clear breach of the DPA. Also as the vehicle that has been levied against is not mine, never has been mine and has never parked on the car park at the front of my property they have clearly not followed the process for checking the owner of a vehicle as this would have clearly shown it is not a vehicle related to myself or my husband.
  5. thats the amount they claimed in fees last time I heard off em. now I owe £207 and errrrrmmm the LO stood at £157.49 which has been cleared oh look it doesnt add up for a change
  6. ok email him back (click reply so he has the email chain) and ask him to clarify if bailiff action has been held off pending the results of his investigation? They should have been
  7. Soooo luckily I held off from poking the bailiff as today Equita have sent a lovely letter claiming that BCC are still owed £207 as prior to my clearing the LO on the 28th they were owed £157.49 this amount is a bit odd.Next phase email OFT, TS, LGO, BCC, Equita reminding them that the LO has been cleared scanning in a copy of the letter received today where they state they can wander in at will and take my stuff ask them how it has jumped £50 and suggest that they go forth and multiply.Oh or take me to court for their fees as I can prove they havent been.This is fun
  8. did you start paying that off? Is there still a couple of LO's? Did you email Stephen Hughes to get bailiff action held?
  9. Hi Tomtubby if you look at my thread there is a FOI request where BCC claim there have been a verrrry small number of complaints with about 5 upheld
  10. Did you find out this?Also did you email the ceo? Hide the car for now but the CEO's office should call you back and hold off bailiff action whilst they investigate
  11. I might send som more info to the oft as I put my complaint in early in the process and lots has happened since then. Right email the council for a refund then....
  12. We need to find out what the amount you owe the council is, then we can find out what the highwaymen are charging you and look at arguments for that. if you can pay the council on their automated line that will show your willing to pay BCC put any money against the oldest debt so we need to get when the debts are for then we can help you with a template email that you can send to BCC every time you make a payment requesting what is to be paid off what.
  13. info@equita.co.ukMark it for the attention of Karen Fowler, she will respond by letterYou can also tell the CEO of BCC that your investigation includes a breakdown of the charges charged by Equita as you dont believe that they are in line with current legislation
  14. Thanks D I had a lot of good teachers.Right you can send that form via the automated questions bit on Equitas website for now and send the same thing to the CEO (who was off sick) to the council mark it as formal complaint and ask for bailiff action to be called off whilst you seek further advice stephen_hughes@birmingham.gov.uk
  15. Right the LO is now settled I have a 0 balance for the offending year sooooooo time for the fun to start. Obviously I have the FOI request in and have requested further information. I am also NOT paying any visit fees as there have been no visits I have also contacted the DJ to see if a form 4 is suitable. I am thinking about contacting them to get the payment of £26 or £28 back of Equita as it clearly relates to no fees can you think of anything else that might be amusing and cause some trouble for Equita?
  16. Right so they have a levy they can only have this on one of the Liability Orders, you need to call the council and get the dates and amounts of the liability orders. Then you need to request a breakdown of fees from Equita.Are you still on benefits? were the benefits backdated?
  17. Right I have been dealing with this particular firm and BCC so lets start at the begining do you know how many liability orders the council has and what amount they are for?
  18. get him to send it to the ceo, get his GP to back him up on the depressed front and tell the CEO that he was bereaved at the time they should hold off action whilst an investigation takes place.
  19. you can contact them and tell them you want it putting against the old one, do it via email its also worth leaving it a day or so then calling them to find out what is owed on both.
  20. The plan is to collate them on a timeline showing how bcc aren't tracking complaints properly and equitas practice is to front load fees and lie I think there's strength in numbers
  21. I am collating instances where Equita have front loaded fees lied about visits etc to send to the oft LGO and press. I am looking at Birmingham mainly as I have a breakdown of complaints for bcc of anyone wants to send me their breakdown that would be great
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