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Everything posted by JohnCarrWestwood

  1. thanks for the input The licence Expired in 1974 . I know I can drive on my AUS licence but I cant get insurance at a reasonable rate. Its almost double because of my AUS licence. So, an option might be to get my UK licence renewed if possible . Failing that a Month long rental. I am 63 held NZ 10 years with no claims and an AUS licence for almost 30 years no claims all of which can be verified and a clean UK licence. The old Red hard covered version So far I have not been able to find a broker other than Short term Insurance that want $465 for 28 days ..MADNESS and trying to get a contact email for DVLA has so far proved impossible. .
  2. I am now resident in Australia ,have a clean Aus drivers licence and want to buy a car in UK rather than Rent. The UK insurance co's are gougers when it comes to premiums. To get a reasonable rate i need a UK licence . I have my expired licence which exp 1974 . Is it possible to get it renewed without all the rigmarole of a new test? After all, I can drive on my Australian Licence. I cant find any answer in DVLA nor email contact address Appreciate any advice. I travel Sept 1 2012
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