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  1. Thank you to everyone who has helped with this. I will get my wife to send a letter cancelling and also to return the docs. I have to go off line now as my time has run out, but once again thanks for all the advice.
  2. Marmaris, Thanks for your reply.# Phone calls from Hungary are 35 p and considering that you have long waits etc I could expect to be on the phone to them for a good 30 mins. Plus with the roaming etc this pushes up the costs. I went to an internet cafe and managed to send an email, but so far there is no response. My wife told them that she would cancel the card etc. but the man she spoke to got rather stroppy and told her tht it would make no difference they would just hound us for the payment. Most insurance companies I have dealt with over the years have always given you the option of renewing, but not with this company - it was automtically renewed unless you phoned to cancel so this was somewhat intimidating for my wife. Plus my wife has always dealt with my insurances etc and we have never had this problem before.
  3. Thank you. My wife did get the email address and I have sent them an email now. However, they have not acknowledged it yet.
  4. Hi, I am a new user here and presently out of the UK working in hungary. My car insurance is due for renewal on 12th August and my wife searched for cheaper car insurance and found it. Taking it out to commence on the conclusion of the previous insurance. In the meantime she received a letter from the insurance company informing us of the renewal premium and that unless cancelled they would automatically renew the insurance. Consequently my wife rang the insurance company and informed them that I was out of the country and that we had found alternative insurance and wished to cancel. They would not allow her to do so as she was not the policy holder - although she is a named driver on the insurance. When she informed them that I was not available to cancel the insurance myself they were most unsympathetic and told her that she could not cancel and the insurance would continue. She told them that she would inform the bank/credit card company not to pay the premeium but they told her that they would still renew the policy and continue to seek payment. She rang me last night most distressed because she did not know what to do and as it is illegal to have 2 insurances on one vehicle, plus the expense I have emailed them myself cancelling the insurance but they have not bothered to reply. What can she do? I cannot phone the insurance company as it would cost the earth to phone from eastern europe via mobile. Any help and advice would be most appreciated. Thank you.
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