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  1. Andydd: This happened before I found the existence of CAG, or even really googled the company at all. I know, a bad choice on my part, but I just took them at face value as I was too frightened to get into any more trouble. With your second paragraph, are you saying that you think there's a large chance I'll get taken to court? To others requesting I post scans: I'll do that this evening when I get home. I don't have a scanner, nor access to one, so I'll have to take photographs and type up the contents if they're unreadable. Thank you all for your help
  2. CAG, Back in January, I shoplifted. I'm not proud of that, but I attempted to shoplift goods to the value of almost £50. I was caught, given an RLP notice, taken to the police station and fingerprinted. When I recieved my RLP letters demanding £150 I ignored them, until they started to extremely intimidate and worry me, at which point I called up to make a repayment installment agreement. This is where I had a problem with them. they sent me my 'contract', which I did NOT sign and return. The following month I made a £40 payment as arranged, however when I pulled out my contract to see when it would end, I noticed a discrepancy between the figures. It shows that I need to pay "4 months at £40 and one month at £19." £179. Beneath that, it says that the included debit card transfers amount to £7.50. Okay, that's £179, minus £7.50. Let's make that £160 for simplicity's sake. Below this, it say the total amount that I'll end up paying is a little over £150. Which, as you can plainly see, is incorrect as I'm paying £160. At this point, I've stopped paying them, heard nothing for a few months until a letter turned up on my doorstep. This has shaken me, and I'm too frightened to open it, as I broke their contract, which, as is explained on the website, is legally binding as I'm over the age of 18. Is the contract still legally binding even though I didn't sign and return it to RLP? Please help. I want to bury my head in the sand over this matter, but I'm too frightened of the repercussions. Thank you
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