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Everything posted by sailor444

  1. Glad you finally got the right answer. Shame it took them so long to get that point. I'll keep plugging away and hopefully get there myself. Sooner rather than later.
  2. Hi Col_J, I angers me to say that I am in an almost identical situation. I too am trying to get through the ToE process with A&L/Santander and have had to speak an endless line of call centre staff that are unable to give me any usefull guidance. The best I got from them today was advice to appeal the refusal and state the reasons why I believed that I should be allowed to continue on the current product alone based on any change to my circumstances. I.e. Payrise, plans to pay any lump sum off the capital to reduce the debt etc.I am posting on here on your thread in the hope that you might have made some progress with A/L and may be able to offer some friendly advice on how I might challenge them.
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