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Everything posted by cococo

  1. I am defending a claim in the small claims court. I wanted to provide written evidence from other victims of the same company. The claimant's solicitor has said that the evidence from other witnesses will be inadmissable unless they attend court. Is this true? Thanks
  2. Only just received the court date this week, and it's not until November. Looking for other victims who can help provide evidence (written statements). If you can help, please join yahoo group as above.
  3. Does anyone know if I'll be allowed to use the Rip Off Britain segment as evidence in court?
  4. I've started up a yahoo group for victims of Phoenix - http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/phoenix_victims/ Please join up and invite anyone else you know who has fallen victim to this company.
  5. I've now got my court date (November) and have until tomorrow to file all documents and evidence with the court. If any other victims can provide statements of their experiences with Phoenix, that I can use as evidence in court (misrepresentation, overvaluing, etc) please get in touch (I can be contacted via ............ Also if anyone knows of any other court cases involving phoenix other than the one noted above please reply here. Note to moderators - I know you're no supposed to ask for people to contact outside of forums but how else am I supposed to get evidence and written statements that contain personal details?
  6. Been informed this last week that Phoenix are taking me to court. I will of course be putting in a counterclaim and have got together very strong defence and lots of evidence. But if anyone else can help, especially if you've been to court with them yourselves, or have any evidence I can use, please post here. Thanks
  7. Been informed this last week that Phoenix are taking me to court. I will of course be putting in a counterclaim and have got together very strong defence and lots of evidence. But if anyone else can help, especially if you've been to court with them yourselves, or have any evidence I can use, please post here Thanks
  8. Rip Off Britain featured an expose on Phoenix this morning. The show is available for a limited time on iPlayer - http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode...s_4_Episode_5/
  9. Rip Off Britain featured an expose on Phoenix this morning. The show is available for a limited time on iPlayer - http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01mmrpl/Rip_Off_Britain_Series_4_Episode_5/
  10. An extract from the latest letter they've sent me, giving me less than 1 week to cough up the £3600 they say I owe them: "Unless we hear from you by 4:30pm on 5th September, 2012 with your full remittance in settlement of your account in the total sum of £3,600 we shall regrettably be left with no alternative but to issue proceedings against you without further notice. You will appreciate that legal proceedings can involve you in costs over and above the amount of the debt and that, if judgement is given against you, it may prejudice any future application for credit." Just another of their scare tactics. Not surprising that some people cough up and give them the money. I'm not one of those people though If they do take me to court I'm not sure there's a judge in this land that would rule in their favour. I've collected a good amount of evidence, and once they've been exposed on national TV in the next few weeks everyone will know what sort of company they are.
  11. Although Trading Standards are limited in what they can do because it's business to business, mine is being very helpful and has put in a report to ScamBusters, which I understand is a government agency and are able to prosecute if necessary. They are also liaising with Oxford Trading Standards who apparently have had a large number of complaints about this company.
  12. Some good news - I contacted Rip Off Britain TV programme & got a reply straight away saying they're doing a piece on Phoenix in September
  13. Brisbs, just curious to know what happened with your case in the end?
  14. I also made a formal complaint to the Office of Fair Trading, here's part of their reply- I tried reporting to Trading Standards in Oxford but they said they don't take direct referrals. This was their reply- I've gone through the CACS now and they are reporting the company to Trading Standards. So I would strogly advise anyone affected by Phoenix to register a complaint with both the CACS and OFT. The more people that complain, the greater chance there is of getting this company stopped!
  15. Update: I took legal advice on the matter and have now ended my contract with Phoenix. Of course they've sent the £3000 + VAT invoice which I won't be paying. Here are some legal details which may help others:
  16. Thanks brisbs! Would you recommend getting advice from a solicitor? I'm still in the contract with them and on the verge of trying to end it. Would be nice to have some proper legal back-up to show them before ending it and refusing the pay.
  17. Yet another victim here! I'm stuck in a contract with this company, after paying the marketing fee, being told by the salesman that the money was fully refundable after 6 months (no mention of 2 months notice period), a nd no mention of the £3000 fee if you cancel. He also didn't mention that the £6k fee was subject to VAT. Have just emailed Trading Standards about them. Would like to know how to get out of this contract if it's possible? TIA.
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