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  1. Mum visited court this morning. time set was for 10am, other cases overran a little & she was finally on at 10:25. Well, we won, of sorts, the judge ruled that she would be awarded 800 quid (less than the actual amt of just under 1500) mum said there were a few other cases waiting to be heard, some similar to hers. she got the impression the judge had sat through quite a few of these & was beginning to get fed up. When he advised her of the sum, she said his attitude seemed to be 'take it or leave it' she was fuming with the bank, wanted to rip their heads of. She's quite happy, but would have preferred the full settlement. She doesn't know if the costs are included in the sum. She was advised that she should receive this settlement in about 4 weeks. The bank, she said, even had the audacity to claim they'd already sent her this cheque! What she intends doing now is to leave the account open with a quid in it, so that it costs them more to run it than's in there. Still, she's glad it's over. Anyone else fighting Clydesdale/Yorkshire - they play dirty. keep at it. To all those who have enabled me to claw back this money on behalf of my mum - thankyou. Could'nt have done it without all the advice & guidance. West Yorks Red
  2. my mum sent down the banks defence: 1) The contractual relationship between the Pursuer and the Defender was governed by the Bank's standard Terms and Conditions. 2) Those Terms and Conditions provided that charges would be applied to the Account if the Pursuer went over her authorised overdraft limit, and for returning items unpaid due to insufficient funds being in the account. 3) It is the Defender's position that the charges were service charges debited in accordance with the applicable Terms and Conditions in place with the Pursuer. 4)Esto, there has been a breach of contract, which is denied, the charges are not unconscionable nor extravagant and are therefore liquidated damages, rather than a penalty. 5) It is denied the charges constitute a contractual penalty of fine. 6)It is denied the charges represent an unfair penalty charge in terms of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contact Regulations 1999. Paragraph 1 (e) of schedule 2 of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations 1999 provides that a term requiring any consumer who fails to fulfill his obligation to pay a disproportionately high sum in compensation may be regarded as unfair. The Charges are not compensation, but rather a fee for the service provided by the Defender in extending facilities to the Pursuer, all envisaged by the agreement between the Defender and the Pursuer. 7) The Terms and Conditions are fair having regard to: 1) the cost to the Defender of maintaining administrative systems relating to unauthorised overdrafts, unpaid cheques and direct debits, and abuse of cheque and debit cards for the purpose of keeping the level of overdrawing under review and controlled as far as possible; 2) the increased risk of loss to the Defender arising from such unauthorised transactions and the associated costs of enforcement and recovery systems; and 3) the need to operate standard procedures and to set standard charges in order to avoid the substantial costs of individual assessment in relation to each particular case. 8) The terms and conditions complied with all relevant requirments of the Banking Code as the Banking Code was in force from time to time. 9) The charges from 19th October 2000 to October 2001 are time barred under the Prescription and Limitation(Scotland) Act 1973. in a nutshell. West Yorks Red
  3. Hi Catmaddy, I've been trying to claim bank against the Clydesdale bank on behalf of my mum in Scotland. We've gone through the initial letter, LBA, the bank offered partial settlement (we refused & sent the cheque back). We've just recently issued a summary claims summons to the bank (claiming just under 1500 quid) to which the bank have replied stating that they intend turning up to defend & also giving their arguments. When I contacted my mum's local sheriff office (where the claim is being argued) the clerk's officer told me that they'd had quite a few of these claims at the court and the banks hadn't won any of them. West Yorks Red
  4. by the ways, mods, I'm still on the RBS thread when I'm dealing with the Clydesdale. Can you move me back into the Clydesdale forum please?
  5. update on this claim now is that I used a local solicitor to deliver the summary summons to the bank. I received a reply advising that the last date that the bank had to reply was 12th June. I contacted the Sheriff Court today who advised that the bank had replied & have stated their intention to appear to defend this action. The hearing is set for 19th June. I'm now trying to contact a local solicitor to try & get legal aid for my mum for this, if not, I'll go through our local solicitor (because it's a small village, he's known my mum from his schoolboy days). As far as I'm concerned, as the bank originally offered the partial settlement, this is proof of their knowledge that these charges set ARE illegal, unfair & do not truthfully represent the real cost of administering them. West Yorks Red
  6. Mum received confirmation from Sheriff Court of their receipt of the Summary Cause Summons. They've advised her that the Summons must now be taken to a solicitor or Sheriff Officer to enable them to serve it to the bank. They then say: " Form 1 must then be returned to this office prior to the return date." "Thereafter, you must contact this office the day after the Return date to enquire if the Defender has admitted the claim and lodged any offer for payment or if the Defender has lodged any Notice of Intention to Defend the action and to appear at Court." this is because they say that the Summary Cause Register must be minuted at least 2 days before the Prelim Hearing Date & that "Failure to do so may result in your claim being dismissed." This will be done tomorrow. Getting excited now, I smell blood & don't wanna let go West Yorks Red
  7. have sent off the Summary Claims Form to my mum's local court in Scotland. They should have it by tomorrow. I've sent it by recorded delivery. Also sent a "thanks for the partial settlement cheque but no thanks & see you in court" letter to the bank & advised my mum to enclose the cheque with it. full amt claiming for is 1,489.89 (incl 8%) as well as the 39 quid for the cost of the fee. watch this space... Moderator, for some reason this thread is now on RBS forum, should it not be in Clydesdale Bank?
  8. well done Hoogie! gives the rest of us still fighting renewed incentive West Yorks Red
  9. HI MIchael, thanks for that, I was about to post a partial settlement letter, but, judging by the increasing number of entries regarding the banks new tactics on this, I've redrafted. fighting on behalf of my mum up in Scotland. partial offer £405.50, holding out for full £988.03 (not including the judicial interest) let's fight them all the way. cheers West Yorks Red
  10. NB Just realised, do I also add the judicial interest to this letter as well? works out @ 489.32 total claim 1477.40 & also, what do I enter in sect. 4 of Summary Claims Summons; claim (form of decree or other sought) is it just the summons for payment of money? also think I'll need to get legal rep as I've been reading on many other threads that Clydesdale have a habit of defending in court before offering full s/ment. What's everyone else's take on this?
  11. not had much chance to do anything the last week, been snowed in with work & off sick, trying to catch up now. In light of the bank's offer of 405.50, which is less than half the amount we're claiming 988.08. I intend to reply to the bank, advising them that we accept their offer ONLY as partial settlement & intend to pursue the full amt. I'll then fill in the claims forms. this is the letter I intend sending, in addition, naming myself as my mum's legal rep. another thing, if the bank defend this, & I can't get to the courts in Elgin (mums' nearest) can she appoint a free legal rep? Response to settlement offer Dear Mr McKirdy Thank you for your letter dated 04/12/2006 I respectfully decline your offer of settlement and request, once again, that you return to me all charges imposed on this account, totalling £988.08. I will accept the sum offered only as part settlement and on the clear understanding that, as the settlement offer does not meet the full repayment figure of £988.08 as clearly stated in the Preliminary and Letter Before Action letters respectfully, I now intend to pursue recovery of the remainder, with a Sheriff County Court claim if necessary. My letter before action sent previously indicated that you had until 05/12/2006 to respond before Court action commenced and there would be no extension to this timescale. This has now expired and I intend to pursue the recovery of the remainder of these monies. In addition, I have appointed the following person to act as legal representative on my behalf. Please direct any future correspondence to him Fraser Watson 23 Well Grove Hove Edge Brighouse West Yorkshire HD6 2LT West Yorks Red
  12. HI Hoogie, keep at them. I'm figting Clydesdale on behalf of my mum, we received a settlement offer on 16 Dec for half the amount (£405.50) we're chasing (£988.08). What I want to do is to reply saying thanks but no thanks we're taking you for the full amt (+ 8% stat), but as my mum liv es in Scotland & I live in England (Yorkshire) I'd like to make a claim through the English courts as if the Clydesdale DO decide to defend at least I can get there & I don't want mym mum having the hassle of going to her local court in Scotland. So I intend advising the bank that my mum is n ominating me as her legal rep. Can I do this so that I can make the claim in England? West Yorks Red
  13. HI everyone, I'm still hoping that someone can help me with this, re: my last message. I think that as the Clydesdale & Yorkshire are owned by the same Finance lot, I can make a claim through the English courts instead of the Scottish. (I live in England & my mum lives in Scotland) I've downloaded some claims forms but not completed as I'm not 100% certain I could do this, if that is, the bank decides to take it to court. & can I still do this as it's about 3 weeks since the bank made this offer & I've not replied to their offer. is it best to reply 1st advising we've refused & are taking them for the full amt? am grateful for any help. West Yorks Red
  14. HI Dan, go for it. I'm fighting Clydesdale on behalf of my mum who lives in Scotland. we got the standard letter also after giving them the prelim letter, then we sent the lba & their tune had changed, sayding they were going to "reopen the complaint & review" & just this week they've sent a cheque for just under half the amt owed saying they consider the complaint closed. well, we're claiming the lot, aroung 1100 quid including the 8% interest @ claim stage. good luck & keep us updated. West Yorks Red
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