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  1. Just read your thread through and wanted to say congratulations on your result. I bet it is a big weight off your mind.
  2. Thanks for the advice Tendogs and to the other people who posted with reassuring messages. I am not having a go at anyone, i'm just so frustrated with it all and how to go about things, i'm clueless. I just have awful visions of them coming to take my sons things away, that he has saved up for himself. I don't know if i could deal with seeing that happen. I swear i am seriously considering doing a law degree to help me and others in the future with consumer problems after all this worry. I appreciate i owe them money £1200ish, (of which £800 is charges). I missed 1 lousy £10 payment due to being broke that month and then they send me court papers. Not even a default notice or a lba before hand. So maybe i should just pay up ? But i just can't accept that the court have allowed me to loose (apart from my none attendance due to illness), on my counterclaim, as i thought credit card charges were still claimable. I don't know if it is a good idea to use the same defence again Tendogs, as it has been mentioned about some bits being wrong, something about £5k damages and wrong section of act or something like that. If i knew what should have been put i would try and write a new defence myself but as i don't know anything about comsumer law i don't know where to start or look. I still havn't had the warrant through my door as yet. I'm not even sure i can apply for a set aside as i think it's 14 days from the original judgement, so that date has well gone now. Anyway thats the state of play atm.
  3. Please tell me if i am wasting my time keep bumping my thread and pressing the red triangle to alert for help. Or keeping quiet for a day to not appear a nuissance and then still nothing. Short of begging, (which i pretty much have been doing), i don't know what else to do to get any help with my situation. It wouldn't bother me so much and i would just go away quietly if i hadn't been told that i will get help with my case/defence. So i keep clinging on to that hope that i will get help before it's too late but still it hasn't come. I would appreciate if i was just told outright that i won't be getting any help rather than be kept in the dark. Yes i know your all very busy people on here and i appreciate that, i really do, but to be told i will get help and then just being ignored when i alert and bump is so frustrating. I'm worried sick about this.
  4. Oh thank you for looking in. I haven't had the Warrant of Execution served yet but i have a feeling it'll be waiting for me through the letter box in the morning, somehow. The 10 days that Cap one gave before they would apply for one was yesterday, so i need to fill the N244 form to take to court tomorrow and my £75 fee. But i just don't know what i am suppozed to give as my defence if they are saying i lost due to not attending and no grounds on my defence. If i just knew the basics of what to put i could type a defence up. I will not miss this hearing if it is granted, no way, no how, even if they have to carry me there. Thanks again for getting back to me.
  5. Bump Deserately need some advice here. I am worried sick that i am going to get the Warrant served before i have a chance to set aside. I have a day at the most to put in a new defence on the N244. Please
  6. Hi Paul, hope you had a good Christmas I need advice on what to do next please. I want to fill out the N244 form to set aside the judgement before the bailiffs are ordered to come round and i don't have much time. I phoned yesterday and asked the enforcments dept what happens now. They said i could either fill in N245 (to have the warrant of execution halted), if i agreed with the verdict or the N244 if i didn't agree with the verdict. So i want to go for the set aside to defend the decision. I just don't know what i am suppozed to put or say on the form as my reasons and hoped you could help here as u mention there are discussions going on behind the scenes about my case on here and so hoped you could help. Really need to get this form filled in asap because the 10 days are up from Cap one so they will be applying for the warrant anytime now. Thank you.
  7. Okay, i think theres a few things that need addressing here. I have not at anytime blamed my defence for my loss of case and i still don't. I also don't want someone who has helped me a great deal on here and shown an interest being blamed either. I'm sure that any mistakes made were none intentional. I am well aware that other factors were involved. That being, my none attendance due to illness and incorrect information give over the phone by the Usher regarding whether i would loose my case if i didn't attend. I am not out to blame anyone and again i don't want anyone else blaming anyone. I don't like conflict it is non productive. I just want to sort this out and get it back on track if that is a possibility. Thank you all for your support thus far and for the National Debtline info. Thank you.
  8. Well, i got myself so worked up with all thats going on and been said that in the end i just ended up phoning National Debtline and spoke to a really helpful man who is sorting my problems with me and sending me all the relevant info and packs to deal with my problem. He told me to deal with this warrant business first then he's going to advise me what to do with the other debts i owe. I can't see much point appealing or applying for any set asides or whatever for the court case anymore because i don't see how can i appeal a defence that was wrong in the first place. I'm a bit lost for words atm with it all.
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