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  1. Woah got an outcome already! Spoke to the supervisor earlier today. Tried to give me vouchers for money off the next order but I made it clear that I would never shop with them again as this was the first time I'd used them and the company had royally mucked up my order and it appeared that somewhere along the line either them or the courier had lied about where the item was, I couldn't tell as each blamed the other. I told him I'd rather keep the item at a discounted rate than muck about returning it and waiting for a new one or getting money off another order that I've no intention of making. They gave me £50 off which is exactly what I was looking for, so a good result. I didn't have to get into a barter with them over it at all. It will be refunded to my card within the next 5 working days. I will be reporting it to head office because I want the processes changed so that the carry on with delivery doesn't happen to anybody else.
  2. I was interested in an item of furniture from a well known company - who shall remain nameless for the time being. Prior to placing my order, I contacted the company to make enquiries about delivery, because where I reside there is almost always problems with delivery when buying online. I was told that the company would dispatch the item to a courier and the courier would make contact within 48 hours to arrange a delivery day. I'd then be contacted the day before delivery to be told whether it would be a morning or afternoon slot. Great. Placed the order. Estimated delivery time 7 - 10 days. I waited. And waited. And waited. A three figure sum had been taken in payment but I still did not have my item. Annoyed? Just a tad. After more than double the estimated timescale passed, I became sick of waiting and contacted the company by email - as advised, to report the non delivery. I was given a generic response to tell me that they were sorry, and would I please phone x number so that they could investigate and arrange a delivery. I did as I was asked and it became clear that no detail had been registered as a result of my email. The woman I spoke to put me on hold so that she could contact the courier. She returned to the line and said she was unable to speak to the courier but repeated the same procedures as were outlined in my initial phonecall re 48 hours blah blah. She said the courier company would be contacted on the next working day and the company would phone me with an update. Next working day came and went. No phone call. So I phoned the company again. Placed on hold while they rang the courier. Company advised me that (despite the size of the item) the courier could not locate it in their warehouse. They would search the warehouse, and the company would call me back. Next day, company contacts me. Courier are still trying to find the order in their warehouse. I'll get a phone call tomorrow. Tomorrow came - yay! They have found the item and the courier are going to phone me to arrange a delivery. I advise the company that I am not happy in regard to the time it has taken and the fact that had I not chased this, I would possibly still have been waiting for my item some months later. I advised the company that if the item was not delivered on the following day, that the company would be in breach of the distance selling regulations as they will not have performed the contract within the statutory 30 days. The chap seemed nice enough but desperately tried to hide behind the terms and conditions which state that they accept no liability for delayed deliveries. I pointed out that this part of the T&C referred to the estimated delivery times of 7 - 10 days, it did not and could not not over ride statutory rights. He said they'd get a voucher sorted out after delivery. Aye, ok. Courier rang and offered delivery the next day but became rather cagey when I asked when in the day - they would not commit initially to morning or afternoon. I pointed out I'd been told I would be given a morning or afternoon slot and surely they could say am or pm? Finally they said it would be after 12pm. Next day, and by 4:45 no delivery. Rang the company who placed me on hold again. During my time on hold, the couriers arrived. One opened the lorry and announced to me that the item was damaged. I was invited to inspect it but as it was still on the lorry and I was looking up it was hard to see where the damage was - oh I could see the great hole but did not at this point realise where on the item the damage was. From what I could see, it looked like a main part of the item so I came back to the phone and advised the company that I was refusing to accept it as it was unfit for purpose. The company seemed reluctant to accept that the item was damaged so I told him he could speak to the courier as he was the person who had first noted it and pointed it out to me. I passed the phone to the courier. I took the delivery slip from the second courier (there were two blokes, nice enough) and signed the slip stating I was refusing the order as it was unfit for purpose due to damage on delivery. I then took the phone back. The guy put me on hold again to speak to his supervisor and returned saying I could accept it or I could refuse it and get a replacement sent out. I asked how long a replacement would take - he couldn't say. Bearing in mind this is a main piece of furniture, I put it to the company that I would therefore be without an item and as such I would be taking it further. The guy then said I could keep the item today and they would still arrange an exchange, basically because it's damaged they can't resell it anyway. I agreed to this but made sure I stated back to him that I was accepting it without prejudice and on the condition that they would exchange it. He agreed and said his supervisor would call tomorrow. I signed the slip again with an amendment that I was accepting it without prejudice on basis that an exchange would take place as agreed with the company. I won't lie, I was furious and boy did I express it, oh I didn't swear or shout but I did make it clear I was not happy. Couriers took the item into my home and I unpackaged it. The damage is not on the part that I thought it was so it is hidden but it is still a main part (for an attachment). I suppose that the item can still be used, it just cannot have that attachment (the attachment is part of it, comes with it). It's not repairable as there is literally a big hole and it's that god awful chipwood stuff so it's not something that can be fixed. They can blame the courier all they want but the packaging was really stupid. It considered of thin cardboard (almost paper) and cellowrap, there was nothing in the way of padding to prevent damage. Now I am waiting for the supervisors call. I'm that fed up, and really can't be doing with faffing about for a new delivery after this one did not stick to anything I was told would happen, I've wasted a week stressing already with repeated calls and the like and because of waiting this week for it to be sorted out I've not been able to enjoy my annual leave with my children, planned days out have been cancelled in case the delivery came. But nor am I really happy that I've paid full price for a damaged item. So I am planning on giving the opportunity for them to give me some money off (a partial refund) of say 10 to 15 %. This would mean I don't have the stress of waiting for a new item to arrive and I'm not paying full price and it would save them the three figure sum that they would lose out on because obviously they can't resell an item with a gaping hole in it, even if it is hidden. Reasonable? I'm concerned they may try to wriggle out of it by saying I've accepted the item (nope, still have 7 days to reject it) or otherwise try to be awkward about it, but I think that they don't really have a leg to stand on because * The delivery was mucked up * The item arrived damaged * I have a witness that it was damaged on delivery (courier who spoke to company on phone) * I accepted the item without prejudice on the grounds that an exchange will be made. This was stated on the phone and written on the delivery slip which I took a photocopy of. I forgot to mention that I have a truecall system. So, yes everything on that call during the delivery is logged and can be brought up in small claims if they choose to get awkward.
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