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Everything posted by wander27

  1. Thanks for all the comments on this. However I have decided not to appeal this. I do think it is all wrong and aload of ****. However I have had a death in the family of a family member I was EXTREMLEY close too and this has put a lot of things into perspective for me, in the fact that "do I really care". I am so devastated it is untrue. At the end of the day I have my job and that is what I will do. My job. I can not physically or mental give the company or my mangers any more emotion. If I did I would not be able to grieve properly and would not be in the right frame of mind. Thank you all for your support in this matter, really is appreciated to have so many comments on so many views and aspects. This site is a credit for all who need advice. Thank you.
  2. Hi all, sorry I have been away from this for a while but things took a turn for the worse personally so I had to put all this work stuff to one side as it suddenly became the last of my worries. However I do have some news.....after being told over and over again that I would receive my outcome BEFORE I went on annual leave and was out of the country, low and behold it got posted out to me the day I WENT out of the country! I have been given a Final written warning for breach of trust and breach of staff purchase procedures. Obviously I am a little concerned as I know I have 7 days to appeal from the date of the letter, however being out of the country for 2 weeks seems to prevent me from doing this. I have emailed my concerns to headed office and they have said I need to call my area manager to discuss my "options of appeal" Is this a wise idea? Any idea on how to form an appeal letter?
  3. Well I still have had NO contact from anyone so I am still being left in the lurch. I do have a very strong feeling that they are leaving it to as close as they can to me taking annual leave as I will be out of the country for 2 weeks. If this does happen I Recieve the decision the day before I go and need to appeal it, will I be ble to? As their letter will state I have the right to appeal within 7 days! I have been on the phone to ACAS again and the lovely lady I spoke to was pretty gobsmacked it has gone on for this long, but advised me to just sit tight. I have also spoken to my union rep regards my grievance. She hasn't seen it yet, but when I told her it was 9 pages long she said this was too long to begin with and that I am giving too much away. She advised me that I needed to do it in bullet form, so have reviewed it and come up with another draft. The points I am raising a grievance on are: Breach of policy's and procedures - disciplinary procedure. Breach of policy's and procedures - training policy Breach of policy's and procedures - dignity and respect at work Entrapment Defamation of character Breach of confidentiality (data protection act 1998) I also want to put in about the use of CCTV in the store and how this is used by the senior management in store to spy on people, but not sure if they are actually breaking any rules and regs. Any comments welcome as I am looking to hand this in at some point before I go on annual leave.
  4. Thank you all for your support. Tracey I hope he doesn't get to 9 weeks like I have. It's unbearable! Your mind runs away with you all the time, it's awful! On the other hand I have prepared my grievance based on 6 points and it is currently 7 pages long!! Just some final touches to do to it and then will send their way!
  5. I am ultimately for the tickets that were missing regardless of all the other angles and opportunities for them to have gone missing and the companies own flaws Was you aware of this? Is it in the job description or contract? Did you have any training on what to do if they did go missing?
  6. Also yes it does state "seen as gross misconduct and may lead to your dismissal" it's a standard template that gets filled in with the employees address and allegations.
  7. Thank you so much mariefab, excellent advice from you and I totally agree with everything you say. There is not a chance on this gods green earth that I am going to resign. I will take this as far as I possibly can no matter what the outcome! I have forwarded on all the e-mails I have sent and received along with another email explaining I have been in touch with my union, ACAS and my solicitor and that they are all in agreement that this process and the length of time is unreasonable and unacceptable. I sent this email to the employee relations e-mail address down in head office. This should be seen and read by all the senior hr executives in head office so should give them a kick up the back side to sort it out. My only concern is that I am due to go on annual leave outside the country for 2 weeks and I won't be able to do anything if I receive the outcome te day before I go!
  8. Sorry to hear that mark! Sounds like they had made their mind up long ago and didn't really want to listen to anything you said. If you are guilty of theft and gaining financially like they say then isn't this is a criminal offence? If they had the proof to prove this allegation then why wasn't the police called? If the police took over this investigation and started to investigate you on the grounds of theft then I am pretty sure they would throw it out of the window. You need to be asking what their policy is on reporting such a theft? It really is horrible how these company's get away with destroying people's lives and really effect their health and well being. I have an inkling I will be going through the same process as you pretty much and to be honest I've pretty much accepted it, but am I going to give up? Am I heck!!! Like others have said...this isn't the end, but once it has sunk it, you will become very angry. You need to channel this anger into all your evidence and appeal hearing, then maybe possibly the tribunal. Don't give up! You have to take it as far as you can now.....
  9. Well I received nothing yesterday...and have received nothing today! (these two days being the beginning of this week) So I sent ANOTHER email today explaining that this is causing undue stress to me and the rest of my family. We are in the 9th week now. I have seeked advice from my union, ACAS and my solicitor and they are all sayin that this whole process and procedure is becoming a bit of a joke. I explained that as stated in the previous email I was told that I would receive the final stages at the beginning of the this week AT THE LATEST. I got a reply that basically said "you will receive this upon completion which will be by next week" They are really dragging this out for all it is worth now and there is nothing I can do about it! I have really tried to be strong and positive for me and my family for the past 8 weeks, but this is really starting to take its toll again now. I can't eat, sleep, I am becoming snappy and I am feeling really down now. I can't believe there is nothing I can do to speed the process up!
  10. Wow.....they really sound like a bunch of nasty nasty ****holes! All the best with this, I will keep reading your thread for any updates, but from the sounds of it you have an EXTREMLEY strong case so make sure you take it as far as you can! All the best!
  11. Good luck and all the best mark! You know you can do it, totally understandable you being terrified and not confident, but you know you can do it! Give em hell....they have done so to you! Deb, all the best with your new job! A new chapter n all that.... I am due to find out the outcome of my 8 week (coming up to 9 week) suspension "early next week at the latest" so could be asking for more advice on your own experiences.
  12. Update today.... Received an email stating that the final stages should be out to you early next week at the latest. What does "final stages" mean?? Looks like it is going to be a LONG weekend yet again...
  13. Ok thanks for that in regards to the possible ET claim and timescale. Was getting even more worried than I already am. I am keeping records of everything and will be presenting this at some point. I really cannot believe it has been nearly 8 weeks, especially when I had my disciplinary hearing a week after the initial investigation, and the attitude of the person conducting the DH being that of "what the hell is all this about" as if it was some big joke or something. Which I have my rep to back me up on. It was all laughing and joking. I know I have to think positive about the situation but when you are off for this amount of time and reading other posts on here about others that have had similar treatment, you can't help but think that I am most likely to be dismissed. With a young family to provide for and the person I am (having worked for this company since 16 - i am now 28)never claiming any kind of benefit it, to be frank, scares the **** out of me! I've never been out of work.
  14. Isn't the 3 months deadline effective once you have RECEIVED a disciplinary decision, and as I haven't received any such decision this time of waiting can not be included can it?? Is there seriously nothing I can do to get this to a conclusion? It is now coming up to 8 WEEKS! and is causing a lot of undue stress. I have sent e-mails asking for an update and they are not being responded to. I need to know where i stand for several reasons, we had an offer on a house accepted the week before this all happened so need to know if i need to pull out of it or not. Am i going to have to pay for a solicitor to send them a letter? 8 weeks is seriously unreasonable.........isn't it?
  15. Hi, Thanks for your reply and advice. To be honest I had never thought of getting in touch with the council regarding this, and I really like this idea so thank you. I'm still awaiting the decision. I thought I may have heard something today as the investigation took place yesterday with the other person. So lookin like it could be early next week. Some advice I am wanting though from anyone that can give me it. In regards to a grievance....am I better off putting one in now? Or waiting for the decision and then put one in? As I feel that if I put one in now it will just get their backs up and they will be wanting to "get rid" of me even more than I feel they do now. I am getting the feeling they are leavin it this long for me to resign, but I can not prove this.
  16. Hi, I sent an email today for an update and there are more investigations to take place this week. I know this was done today with one person. They surely should have done all this before the disciplinary hearing itself. They were quick enough pushing for the disciplinary hearing a week after the investigation but then waiting another 6 weeks for a decision takes the absolute mick! I am wanting to put a grievance in, however this will just prolong the process. I just want the outcome so I know where I start. Once I have this I will then be either putting in a big grievance or making an appeal, either way I will do this once I know the outcome. Hopefully I will be hearing something beginning of next week now....but then I have said that 6 times before...
  17. Yeah I have read your thread mark and it sounds like a right carry on. I know what you mean about the company's attitude towards this process. It does come across like they do not give a care in the world! And this has made me realise, doesn't matter how hard you work for them, doesn't matter how much of your life you dedicate to them, doesn't matter how much money you make them, doesn't matter how much you promote them you are and always will be JUST A PAYROLL NUMBER! It really is disgusting and would be very interesting How the powers that be would cope with this if they were in our shoes. As far as welfare calls or contact, I do not know what you mean as this CLEARLY doesn't mean anything to the company I work for. As no one in the whole of this process has been in touch to see how I am or how me and my family are coping. Nothing at all from anyone! Also as far as contacting the store, throughout this process I have called and everytime I have called they have "been out of the office" I have left numerous messages for people to get back to me but they haven't. I have also sent an email asking them to contact me with my contact number stated on it. No reply to the email and no phone call, BUT when they needed as response from me they were happy to email this through to me then..... The whole process from start to finish has been a joke and it doesn't matter who I speak to, solicitors, union, ACAS etc they can not believe how long this process has been especially with the fact I had my disciplinary hearing (not my investigation) 6 weeks ago now!
  18. Hi All, Just a quick update on my situation....the update is that there is NO UPDATE. Still haven't heard anything and it will be 7 weeks this week i have been suspended for. I spoke to my solicitor yesterday and he can not believe it has gone on for so long. I had y actual disciplinary hearing 6 weeks ago now and i am still awaiting the decision. To be honest though, reading other peoples posts i am not very confident. it seems everyone else who had been suspended for this length of time ended up getting dismissed. Pretty worried AGAIN now....this has been the most stressful experience i have ever had togo through. any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated but to be honest there is nothing i can do until the decision comes through!
  19. Hi mark, I know the exact emotions, stress and anxiety you are going through at the minute! I have been on suspension for 5 weeks today, and to e honest it is highly likely I will be on suspension for 7-8 weeks. I had my DH a week after I had been initially suspended, so I have had 4-5 weeks now of just waiting around waiting for the decision to come through. It really is a joke. I have had no contact from anyone within our company to see how I am, for all they know I could have turned into an manic depressive, alcoholic anything. These employers put their employees on this suspension without any care for their health or what effect it can have on them and their family. I am currently waiting for the manager dealing with my case to return off holiday (which he informed me of via e-mail on the day he was commencing his annual leave) and I know when he comes back he is wanting to do some more investigating with another person (I only know this as someone has told me that shouldn't really know about the whole situation) I just want you to know that although it seems like the world is closing in on you, your not the only one these people are doing it too. It really is downright disgusting! If they had a strong case with sound evidence then I can honestly understand, but they don't, and in my opinion they should have some serious retraining on people skills!!!!
  20. Hi folks, Thanks for your replies. Unfortunately I have booked to go go away so I can not really request to cancel it. It all just seems so wrong, honestly, if you read my DH notes, it paints a picture that I didn't know I should not have done what I did. I am not going to let this rest. They are investigating other people, which I have no issue with. The main issue I have is the length of suspension with no contact from anyone and no responses to any phone calls or e-mails, yet when they want something they are more than happy to contact me. To be fair I am outraged at this process now, and once it has come to the conclusion, then I will make my views, opinions and concerns well and truley heard.
  21. Hello everyone, Apologies I have been away from this for a while. Just another update..... I am STILL on suspended leave, and I seem to be for the foreseeable future. The only contact I have had from anyone within the company is from the person who conducted the DH. He E-MAILED me, with copies of further investigation notes of 5 other people. These investigation notes fully back up what I said. In his email he wanted any comments or responses to anything said on this so he could forward his decision by close of business on thursday (he sent me the email on Wednesday) so I sent him a reply. I assumed I would be receiving a decision by the end of the week so I was waiting with baited breath AGAIN! Then on Sunday I happened to check my e-mails and there was another e-mail stating he was now on annual leave for 2 weeks and would resume with this on his return!!! It really is becoming a joke now. Surely all the investigations should have been done BEFORE the disciplinary hearing?? It has been a month now since the disciplinary hearing! Also once this person returns off his 2 weeks annual leave, I am officially down for 1 weeks annual leave. What happens with this? Does suspension over ride the annual leave? Surely they can't use annual leave as another week as suspension? I have looked up this but cannot find anything. Only think I can find is annual leave is for periods of rest from the work place, but how can I rest when I am stressed, anxious and nervous about an outrageous length of suspension POST disciplinary hearing? Any comments or thoughts welcome on this....
  22. Hi there everyone, Just an update...... Still haven't heard anything! I really can not believe that they can leave it this long without even getting in touch. However I have been doing some research and found a very good HR site that states this can constitute a constructive dismissal claim. It's just all bang out of order, and too be honest I am passé the worrying stage. I am at the very angry stage and they are really starting to get me irate. I think this is what they are wanting, but I know I just have to bide my time. Debfm I know it is hard for you, I really do, but all I can suggest is that if you feel you need to go to the doctor then do. Even if it is someone just to talk to. Or even go to the citerzens advice or no win no fee solicitor, just someone to speak to. Does A LOT of good to talk to someone about it and try and surround yourself with positive people! Also do as much research on the Internet as you can on similar situations. It is just utter sh*te what these people put you through and they sure as hell wouldn't like it of it was them, at the end of the day your only human, and mistakes do happen. These things are sent to test us, and you will come out if this a stronger and wiser person.....that's what I am telling myself anyway. Keep us updated, and I will update on here as soon as I hear anything. Good or bad, as no doubt I will be requiring some advice.
  23. Thank you for your words of support, they really do help! I understand what you mean about the fresh air and the sun (i know...i can't believe we are actually seeing some sun!) I have been taking my son to the park and going out places to try and take my miind off it, but its strange. You feel guilty for going out, i feel i shouldn't. I don't know how to explain it. Again the postman has been and nothing as arrived. I really can not believe the lack of care from the employer. I could maybe understand it if i was a "problem" employee, but i am well known and well respected by most people as i have been there for such a long time. again, thanks for your support and i will keep you updated as to what is going on!
  24. Hi Debvfm, I am in the same boat as you, I have been suspended for 3 weeks now! I have had my disciplinary hearing, this was 2 weeks ago and I am still none the wiser. I understand the pain and worry you are going through. It really is a horrible process to go through, and unless you have been through it yourself you can not understand just how badly this can affect you and your family. The best advice i have got from this website though, is try not to worry (easier said than done i know) because what will be, will be. If the worst comes to worst, there are procedures in place to take it further, and take it as far as you can! Please keep us updated with your progress
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