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  1. I recently visited a running shop and purchased a particular pair of shoes recommended by a member of staff. The member of staff analysed my running style and asked questions about my running needs before making the recommendation. After using the shoes in wet conditions (which he knew I run in as I told him I run regularly throughout the year) I found them to be very slippery, which is not a problem I've had with any of the running shoes I've previously owned. I've spoken with the manager of the store on this matter, but he seems quite adamant that the shoes are fine and my "running style" is somehow at fault. He has dismissed the many online reviews drawing attention to this issue with the shoe as being just "points of view". I don't really like to complain about things or make a fuss, but I don't want to be left with £100 shoes that I would not use again due to safety concerns. Have I got reasonable grounds for wanting to return the product?
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