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  1. I'm probably in breach of contract with NRAM too for renting without consent. But hopefully having the mortgage paid is more important. I think you should try to speak to them yourself. Write them a letter. There's also a lot of useful advice on this forum about dealing with mortgage providers. I know about 10% of NRAM's customers are on customised payment plans so that is something else I might try. Maybe worth a shot with the Co-op too. We're well in negative equity - buying a flat on a 100% mortgage at the height of the property market wasn't the best idea in hindsight :/ Good luck!
  2. I spoke at length with National Debtline in the UK. They said that as I rent out my property in the UK the bank could argue I had business interests there and as a result could make me bankrupt and take my NZ assets. I wouldn't call being forced to rent my flat to cover the mortgage a business, but there you go. So I am talking to the mortgage lender about taking a payment holiday instead.
  3. Thanks for this. I've seen another post where this question was asked, and this was the reply: Firstly, you are correct that any action the mortgage company may start has to begin in a UK County Court and the result of that would be a County Court Judgement or CCJ - which, as you have already observed, can't be made against you as you're not in the UK. You are correct that as a non-CCA debt, a creditor could apply to have a CCJ taken to the High Court for enforcement - but without the starting point of a CCJ that's not going to happen. What do you think?
  4. Hello, I am looking for some advice regarding a mortgage I have in the UK. My wife and I emigrated to New Zealand in October 2009. We are British citizens with permanent NZ residency. I have a 100% mortgage held by Northern Rock Asset Management. We are in negative equity and, although the flat is rented out, we are losing money on it every month and it's looking like it will be a bottomless pit. It's getting to the point where I'm considering not paying the mortgage any more and letting NRAM repossess the property. If this happens NRAM will not gain enough through its sale to cover the mortgage. Our mortgage is about 175,000 UKP and the property is probably worth 160-165,000 now. With costs incurred through selling, I imagine the debt could be about 20,000 UKP... though that is pure speculation. If I did decide to do this I'd write to NRAM giving them my NZ address in the hope this prevented DCAs hassling my wife's parents in the UK. In October this year we will have been out of the UK for 3 years. I understand from these forums that after 3 years I cannot have a county court judgement or bankruptcy issued against me in the UK as I will be judged to be non resident. My understanding is that because we won't be a part of the UK legal system the case could not be transfered to the NZ legal system under reciprocity agreements as the case has to be initiated through the UK courts - and because we're non residents this can't happen. I did read this on a debt advice forum: I am a self employed web developer and I occasionally still work with UK clients. They pay into my UK bank account and I transfer it to NZ. Would this count as having 'business interest in the UK' and therefore leading to action against me initiated from the UK? Whilst I did do freelance development work when I was still in the UK I didn't have a company set up. Now we are looking to buy a (very, very cheap) property in NZ. Would that affect a DCAs decision on whether to chase the debt (even if it would be, I assume, illegal for them to do that)? Thanks, in advance, for any help.
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