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  1. do you think i should start a new thread now that i know, so that its more concise can an admin delete this thread and i will start again?
  2. it depends, i am happy with ads on a site that is all about getting the right service, as long as they don't get in the way of our reading/correspondence then we are all ok right? its when they force ads onto the screen, or ask you to pass a splash screen when you open a post that's going too far in my opinion
  3. i need 10 posts before i can link anything or post images even though my initial post allowed me to seems like nothing ever goes right for me!
  4. quickly adding that with #4 Correspondance they attatched a copy of rail laws, maybe there is something in there to back me up? laws.pdf
  5. hi, i am new here but already reading everyones advice has helped me out loads with different issues over the past few months. This is one that i feel i am stuck with, and i need your help to figure out how to stop this, or at least stop it going the distance. at this point, as much as it pains me to say they have worn me down and i would ok with paying a fine if it meant it keeps my record clean (i teach kids sports after school and having a clean record is important to me) I'm being bullied by TIL (same as other people) except that this is only occuring because the station i boarded the train on (cross gates) ticket office closes at 2pm and the train was packed as it was a delayed service so when i got off at wakefield westgate i approached a person in a high vis jacket to ask where to buy a ticket (as i needed the return to leeds later) who turned out to be a RPO! he stopped me from buying a ticket by starting these procedings. he told me i would recieve a letter asking me to pay the ticket in 14 days and i left the station, angry but appeased at the same time all of the finer points of the story is contained in the scans of the correspondance between TIL myself and the other person i was travelling with, I need to know am I on the right course? do i need to change tact? is there anywhere else i could go to get this sorted? how far can i take this without risking court/criminal sentence? if you have any questions about my side of things then i will be checking back regularly to keep you informed. 4 Our Letter 2.pdf Thanks in advance guys 4 (1) Correspondance.pdf 1 Correspondance.pdf 2 Correspondance.pdf 3 Our Letter.pdf
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