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Everything posted by stuartA

  1. so thanks lapsed workaholic -mr p- arcalite -reallymadwoman for the reply's so back again.. meeting was changed to phone call a day before appointment so today i was called by Alex. first off, he was a pleasure to talk too. so he wanted to assure me this wasnt pushing me into work (i believe him after the call) it was more what can i do to help you. i can be a lazy git if left to it. im quickly approaching 40 and i need to do something im becoming unfit, unhealthy, and even lazier and im being wasted (in what i can do. i have so got used to being told in unemployable and excepting money for nothing. if only i can contribute in a little way i have always wanted that. i was expecting the worst, but hoping for the best though. so the call.. explained my problems pretty well, he was understanding from the get go and said, if we achieve even nothing over the next year he was here to help me in any way for support and any way i saw fit to help me. he laid out some options first was C.V. i explained i done some work to see what i could do at the center round the corner and some qualifications i could get real easy, but needeed the ok from adviser, and she looked at me like i had grown a third eye. he again apologized for her none work with me. he was more than happy with a c.v. if i wanted to do that. he mentioned volunteering services. i think they would be more understanding of my problems to work around it and alex agreed that would be a good route to try or at least look at online. again he assured me if i didnt want to do this it was ok but even if we were able to get a few hours of something a week it could help me. i certainly agree with that 100%. if i felt it was wrong for me i can stop it or increase when i felt up to it. whatever i wanted and assured me once again that we didnt have to go down that route it was something to just look at and see if i felt i was willing to try it. he also mentioned the skills help (or health) check this would be a meeting to see what i could do or capable to try. its voluntary, but i gather this is the dodgy one, he said i do not have to do this at all. if i do. we might go a different way than they offer, and again said we can do it any way i wanted, even getting some paid work which wouldnt affect my benefits at all. i was not pushed in any way to anything and he was more than understanding with all my problems and he was Bloody Amazing!! i chose to do the skills help check. i should get an appointment next week. sorry for the waffling on there. ive seen to have hit lucky compared to my last, didnt really want to talk to me advisor this one totally understands from my point of view not a one size fits all or else. things will change but, backed with a good adviser i should achieve something. so the question i have is what is the skills help check??? i heard it from one side so have anyone done this ?? also no word about sanctions(woohoo) he apologized for her lack of work and not helping me..
  2. thanks mr.P and lapsed workaholic for replies. i was told i have to sign to go into the wrag odds on ill be asked (told) to sign something else or i get sanctioned ill read up that PDF in a bit Thanks alot for that. Fingers crossed. ill report what happened at interview and will record it this time. Many Thanks again Stu..
  3. thanks for the reply Lapsed Workaholic. only had one appointment with the personal adviser had to sign up to work related activity group and not much was explained. she was a bit vague about what classes, support, courses, help with c.v, was just told to expect a phone call and that was it. there was no timetable of things to do, courses i must attend, jobs i must apply for, making a c.v. the interview didnt last long she seemed rather cold and didnt want to know anything i asked(mainly improving my non existent c.v and easy courses that will improve it. Just you will get a phone call. there was no phone call. there were no follow up appointments/interview with the personal adviser. and no further letter at all from esa in 2 years except the esa50 form once a year. got a post work programme support interview in 2 weeks time. and last month i was given esa again
  4. so i have now finished 2 years in the work related activity group. got a meeting to discuss post work programme support and time on the work programme. so i need to back a little to my first interview where i was put into wrag. arrived early, checked in quickly with person was meant to see was told to wait until called over. over an hour later asked what i was waiting for. the lady i was to see had gone home, and got a new appointment for the next week. i was ill when i was 14 caused epilepsy left arm and hand paralyzed rest of left side works at about 50% of right. was worried as i had heard bad things about in wrag and was advised to write my own action plan. as i never had any gcse or ever worked. the cv was first point. went to adult center which offers simple computer courses and worked out some which would be fast and easy for me to obtain but would need the ok of my advisor. (which i didnt get) again i arrived early had a few sheets of A4 i typed out and were looked at for 2 seconds and handed back to me, signed into wrag told to expect classes, courses and ill receive a phone call.i was worried and expecting bad things. what i got was nothing (not moved or changed home of mobile number). one year later still heard nothing i had to get a new esa50 form and asked about not being contacted for a year. thank you and you will get a phone call was reply. so now another year is up, phone esa number about a new form and ive still had no contact after 1st interview, he looked and said it seems there is some sort of appointment coming soon.and 3 months later i receive post work programme appointment. so what now im rather worried as ive only seen esa horror stories online. Am i going to get done for not doing anything. could anyone Please help me with your experience or knowledge regarding the post work programme support. Many Thanks.. Stu.
  5. Thanks rainbo.. ive been looking over one of my doctors letter. and hoping someone here can help me understand it better from doctors letter: in the lower extremities, he had 4+hip flexion weakness of the left and brisk reflexes on the left side with an upgoing left plantar response??
  6. Question 6 – Communicating with people im 100% ok unless i have an epilepsy attack then i cant make myself understood or walk and will take awhile to recover. there are a few questions where i would have big problems if i have a fit.. do i add this in to the answer i give??
  7. thank you very much for that HoneyBee.. to be honest ive been rather worried about this and any information/advice is alot better than none
  8. Hello.. got my esa50 form to fill in today. ill just be honest, but not sure about a few things 1. new doctor for about a year now, but my previous doctor signed me off sick. can i go to old doctors and get a copy of this, or get one off my new doctor.? 2. had spine damage, really bad for 14 months, there are lots of doctors appointments, put on pain killers. doctor said it was trapped nerve 4-6 weeks but after 4 months asked for scan, she still said trapped nerve 4-6 weeks, demanded physio, and was told by him i had spine dasmage. i do lots of steching exercises, but theres always a slight pain, if i pick heavy items my back can just go. so ive written him a letter for him to explain my problem and things that will cause pain , still not recieved letter back, but should i include a copy of this with the esa50 form? 3.i have epilepsy (had it since i was 14) can have up to 10-20 attacks a year. so ill bring medication with me. should i get a letter from my doctor to prove this i have a doctor just for my epilepsy should i get something off him? 4. had a stroke left side arm hand are useless, my foot shakes a bit my leg isnt great, but i can walk its obvious my arm and hand are bad, but are they going to test my leg, foot (haslf as strong as right foot and leg) i do fall over because of this and stumble alot as i lean heavily on my paralysed side. is this taken into account? 5. ive always been told im unemployable, if i fail and have to go to JSA how are they with helping disabled people get work? ive on IB and DLA (low rate) for a long time. is there other evidence i can include with my esa50 form ? thank you all very much for any advice / help you can give me
  9. hello to everyone on this very usefull site.. ill try to keep this as short as possible (Please bare with me).. at 14 i woke in hospital paralysed from the neck down, i had caught herpes encephalitis and bassically it caused a stroke. i recovered but my left side arm/hand are useless( and constant dull pain if i dont support arm properly with lots of pillows) leg is not great it drags alot but at least i can walk, my left knee doesnt always lock when walking and i fall a fair bit. my speech isnt great, i can slur alot and not really notice it. as my left side is much weaker i lean that way, and after 20 years i get back pain nearly constanly. if i pick heavy items it can just go and im bed bound for a week or more. on top of this i have epilepsy sinse i woke up in hospital, i take tergratol retard and i sort of have siezures under control. (i can have between 3 to 20 a year). i have been on dla (low rate) forever and incapasity benefit for over a decade. ive done assesments with other doctors who signed me off straight away, but ive always stressed the fact i want to work or train for a job, but im told no (think thats cause of epilepsy). after hearing lots of bad things about ESA ive recieved a letter saying to expect a call to be assessed in 2 weeks. and im craping it big time. so what should i expect and what should i do. ive sent a letter to my physio to explain my back as he says without dout i have spinal damage, should i be asking my doctor for anything to take with me to assessment to prove epilspy (which i gather they will have access to??) if i fail will i be put on JSA? i can appeal but are there people that can help me. and finally are there places which help disabled people with back pain and epiepsy get a job (i wouldnt have much faith with people at JSA). half of my brain is dead, but im not stupid and i can learn, are there job i can do at home as that would be best for me.. thanks for any help you can give me stuart..
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