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Everything posted by pfagan87

  1. Just to give you full information (so you can make the best choices!) - don't be tempted by checkmyfile's "free" trial. It isn't actually free, they take £9.99 from you straight away. I think they can get away with saying it's "free" because the money is taken off you as a "pre-authorisation", but the bottom line is you will be £9.99 worse off within seconds of signing up.
  2. Hello, I know this thread is a few years old but I just wanted to reply in order to get this information out there, because it is not fair for consumers (people) to be duped because they don't have the full information. Despite what checkmyfile.com's website and sign-up process says, the "free" trial is NOT in fact free. It will cost you £9.99 instantly - this money will be taken out of your account immediately after signing up. They dress this up as a "pre-authorisation" which I think is how they get away with saying it's free, but the bottom line is you will be £9.99 worse off straight away.
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