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  1. Thanks Andy - he is already trying to actively sell the stock..what should be the next move. Formal notice to police? If i break into the unit and take my stock?
  2. Thanks - There is no lease and never has been. 2. i am the original purchaser of the stock. I have tried offering stock to the amount of the debt. Unfortunatly he is just hell bent on contating clearce companies directly and not allowing acess to even process the stock. Can some please clarify for me. Is it illegal for him to sell my stock in lou of rent? Does legally need to grant access to the stock? please help
  3. Hi Mariner51 Thanks for your response. I agree with your points. I have been his tenant for 7 years. For the last 2 years he has taken irregular payments building up debt and clearing it. I currently owe him 5 k. I have agreed to clear some of my stock to pay him. However he is not letting me access the stock and is making his own attempts to sell my stock/equipment. My stock equip is work 40k + The stock has not formally been repossessed, but my unit has had the locks change, so how do i access my business? there is also no formal lease or rental contract. I believe i have made all reasonable attempts to rectify the situation. Unfortunately i cannot get credit to pay him thanks for your time
  4. Thants good news, i would love more info. What is the best way forward to resolve the issue. Im guessing the legal route to retrieve the stock will be expensive and the stock may well been sold by the time any outcome happens. Im concerned by the loss of business also. If this is illegal, do i still have the right to enter the premiss despite the doors being bolted!?
  5. Hello Im hoping someone can help me with advice regarding my Business Premises Landlord changing the locks and denying me agrees to my business and stock. I do owe the landlord money for rent and has been lenient until now. He has told me that he is going to sell/clear my stock and equipment to cover the arrears. My stock value is far more that i owe him and i am worried he will clear it bellow its value. Please can someone advise what to do. many thanks Jay
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