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Everything posted by besonders1

  1. The light cost £50, usually most manufacturers I have dealt with have been very helpful better than the stores but not this one. Seems strange that they advertise that it is guarenteed for 3 years to attract customers to buy their products but when you try and claim on it they dont want to know.
  2. hi I bought a security light from an independant online retailer which offered the best price online, I e-mailed beforehand to check the product was OK and met with great customer service. Went ahead and purchased the light. 11 months down the line the light failed and because its an LED type unable to replace the bulb. I felt relieved as it came with a 3 year warrenty. I e-mailed British General to explain what had happend and for advice but there was never any response to my e-mails i rang them and was told that these lights breaking was a common problem and advised to return it back to the online store. Whenever I contacted the store I never received any reponses to my e-mails or phone calls. I found the receipt for the website which is no longer working server not found so i can only presume they are no longer trading. I tried telling this to the manufacturer but no joy, I just kept being told that I must contact the retailer. Where do i legally stand because if the manufacturer states in their terms that its guarenteed for 3 years, most hightstreet stores say you need to contact the manufacturer if it breaks down after the first year. Can you legally force a manufacturer to honour their agreement?
  3. thanks Marie I will e-mail you later on tonight thanks
  4. thanks I was thinking that, woiuld business of it of PDCS if they want further information then they should ask scottish power, afterall it is SP that have delegated it to them, if they wont give PDCS this information then they shouldnt be asking it from me. I have checked my credit file and it is clean BTW
  5. Hello all, this is my first post but need to ask you for my advice. Over a year ago I rented out my house to a tennant at short notice. I had previosuly just changed energy suppliers to scottish power but i had confirmed with them before the tenant moved in that I was not a customer yet and my previous supplier EDF was still supplying me. I rented it out via my letting agent have had not contact with the tennant. Last week a letter appeared on my doorstep a FORMAL DEMAND from PDCS acting on behalf of scottish power demanding over £70 in my name for energy used. I rang scottish power and they told me not to worry as the dates for the usage of energy related to the intial period after the tenant moved in. The tennant never actually paid or responded to the bills, however she decided to change suppliers 6 weeks later but never changed the Bills into her name despite me giving her details to scottish power when I called them up to let them know the house was to be rented out last year. SP tild me to copy the tennancy aggreement and sent it RD and also inform PDCS, of which I did explaining the situation above to both parties. I also sent the special "Prove it" letter on this site letting them know my rights and stop harrassing me to PDCS. Now I have received another letter from PDCS thanking me for my letter and that they acknowledge my dispute however they are asking me now to "confirm to them my connection to the property" as they have been told by scottish power to chase me for the debt. I already told them this in my "prove it" letter and that it was being let out by myself and that i am dealing with scottish power. They have also said that I have 28 days to contact them by telephone. I just want to know if I am legally obliged to ring or write to PDCS. They have not provided me any details of the debt I am supposed to owe despite me sending the prove it letter. Why are they asking me something that I already told them? Are they allowed to chase me when I am dispuiting the debt with scottish power or is this a phishing letter wanting information from me. What is the next move I should make?
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