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Everything posted by Anon1771

  1. Just heard the sad news. RIP Martin.
  2. Just thought that I would pop in and update. I went to the appeal hearing. I knew that I would not get my job back due to the nature of the business but I just wanted the opportunity to apologise to the main director of th company. We had a nice chat. I went away happy knowing that I would not get back my job back. On the plus side, I have now got a new job, of which after 2 weeks I love. I did explain in the interview about everything that had happened to me and the new boss was happy to take me on. I am so relieved that there are no skeletons in my closet. I was employed because on what I can do. Also the people I a, now working with ar brilliant. I have also managed to bring in a new client to the company through me talking to them.. Thanks to all for the advice etc. Xx
  3. Dilemma - obviously I will be very truthful when going for new jobs. When asked now, reason for leaving previous job, what do I put ? I feel that putting sacked for gross misconduct due to an omission on my application form sounds really bad. On another note, I have a meeting with my local cab tomorrow to discuss the reference I got from the employment before the one I just got dismissed from.
  4. Hi there. I am currently going through an appeal process. You are entitled under section 7 of the data protection act to have a copy of the reference sent by your previous employer to your current employer. Try at first to ask them for a copy and if that doesn't work you can send a SAR to request the reference.
  5. Yes I did resign. I also asked them to reduce my notice period of 2 months of which they refused. I have since applied for another job and in order for this to not happen again I have included them in my cv. I am now worried that I will never gain any employment if this is the sort of reference I will get.
  6. Here is the thread about what happened with my orevious employer:- http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?245975-Work-won-t-accept-my-resignation.&p=3833257#post3833257
  7. I'm not to sure how to do that honeybee13. It basically says the following:- Would you re-employ? If NO plead give a reason. They put No but no reason In your opinion is the applicant suitable for employment in the Security industry? If NO please give a reason . They put No but no reason. Was the applicant found to be honest in their approach to the job? They put No. Please confirm the current or last position held? They put bookkeeper. Was the applicant a reliable employee? They put No. Was the applicant a good time keeper? They put Yes Are there any circumstances in which you old not recommend employment? They put Yes Was the applicant well liked by their colleagues? They put Yes Did the applicant leave your employment of their own accord ? They put No If No, are you able to give reason or is there any other information you wish to give? They put - she almost wrecked the company through mis-management of duties and tried to cover it all up. She also mis-used company funds. This sort of reference is completely wrong and it just shows why I had omitted them from my application. I worked there for 3 and a half years and it waning until I made a mistake, to which I did my best to sort out, did they turn nasty.
  8. I received a copy of the reference and as expected it is VERY BAD.
  9. I received a reply to my email. I have copied it below. The reason I want a copy of the reference is for future employment, also to ensure that I was treated fairly with my dismissal. Here is the email reply:- Under the Data Protection Act, the Company has no obligation to comply with your request to see any reference that may have been obtained, nor is it able to disclose a reference without the agreement of the author of the reference.
  10. I have sent the following email to the office manager. I have decided to appeal against the decision as I feel there was mitigating circumstances to leaving off my previous employment. Dear XXXXX According to XXXXXXXX Company procedures, I have a right to appeal to a director or appointed Deputy who has not previously been involved in the case. Please can you advise as to whether XXXX and the other Directors have been involved in my dismissal. In order for me to appeal, please can you scan and email me copies of my original application form and the reference obtained from XXXXXXX
  11. I have no idea whether it was a written reference or a verbal one. I presume that if it is a verbal reference then there is nothing I can do.
  12. Unfortunately I can't really afford to be out of work to do a degree
  13. I haven't had any contact with my previous employer since I left them 2 1/2 yrs ago. I occasionally see them about town and it's not a pleasant experience, so I know ther are still bad feelings about the way I left.
  14. I will drop her an email and ask. I'm not sure what to say though. Also could I ask her to provide me with a copy of the reference from my previous employer?
  15. That is the problem I have now. How do I get a new job with the potential of having bad references from my last 2 places of employment. What do I say in interviews why I left?
  16. I had been working very happily for the company for 2 years and even got a bonus for my hard work. Unfortunately it did state on the application form that I would be subject to instant dismissal with no notice pay should I not disclose everything. As I was, and still am self employed, my clients gave me references for the job.
  17. I will be phoning acas in the morning. Thx citizenB x
  18. Does anyone know how pre-employment screening gets done? Can they access hmrc tax records to see prior employment records?
  19. I was self employed at the same time as working for the previous employer. I still am. When screening on employees gets done, usually I would receive an invoice from the screening company. There weren't any invoices for any screening as far as I know. I know I am speculating but I think there may have been someone who may have told them.
  20. I am going to try and appeal against the decision. I know it will probably get me nowhere, but I'm going to try. The company I worked for is a really nice company and I loved my job there.
  21. I was told at my disciplinary hearing, by my manager,that everyone gets screened every year. I think it is strange that it didn't show up last year or when I was screened when I joined the company. My manager only joined the company a few months ago and we have had some differences of opinion since she has joined.
  22. Got the letter today informing that as of close of business yesterday I am dismissed.
  23. Thank you Emmzzi. I know that the office manager is very upset about it all. My line manager, I don't know. The directors I don't know either.
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