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Everything posted by vic81

  1. Thanks, nice to know others in same boat...apparently there is some money for a course of their choosing, but none for one you would actually want to do and one which finds you work...oh dear the shortsightedness is shocking. Will fight this though, even thinking of putting an advert in the paper asking for a sponsor who I will repay once qualified...don't wanna give up my dream it's not just a qualification for me it's a career I really want! 8)
  2. Hi Thanks, but I am 31 so I can't get anything, and I've not been made redundant so I can't get anything, and in general I just can;t find any help...I'd be more than willing to pay it back once in employment but banks won't lend (I have no family lost parents before I was 3)...running out of the will to fight because they are saying I have a couple more months before workfare will start - I just don't want to be on this scrapheap and have tried applying for any old job to get paid to save for the course but nothing doing...please if anyone knows anything about funds or JobCentres (how to persuade them to help)...thanks
  3. Hi, I have been claiming JSA for 9 months. I really want to do a course called IRATA which is rope access. I even have a guy who will give me a job if I get the certificate but it costs £800. My JobCentre adviser said he would apply for funds for me. He didn't tell me who he was applying to. Then when they said no, he tried another fund. He will never tell me what these funds are and so I can't even appeal or write a letter to help my case! When he submitted my last try, he didn't even send all my paperwork together and admitted he'd forgotten to send the letter that promised me a job after the course. Weeks later he showed me an email saying "application unsuccessful" and no other details. When I asked for more he said he had deleted the email. I have a friend who got a course and transport paid but I am being told they will pay nothing for me. I just want a chance to do the course and get a career and my life back. Shouldnt they be rewarding my wanting to get off benefits rather than paying me the JSA! This has gone on for months I could be employed by now. They even said why don;t I just get a loan...as if I have no money for repayments and noone lends to the unemployed Does anyone know of any funds/grants or JobCentre thing I should be asking my adviser for, or if I can appeal against this sort of thing? Or even some clue as to whether the JobCentre has any discretionary funds I could beg for? Thanks for any help!
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