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  1. Hi I'm in serious need of help as I have just returned from travelling to find a string of communications from certified bailiffs Marston Group. They say I owe an outstanding amount of £866.10 for a rail ticket fine I apparently hadn't paid dating back to 27/12/2011 on from what I can tell (although absolutely no specifics are shown but which I have deduced because on the final 'hand delivered removal notice' it states which magistrates court has sent the warrant: Sussex) is from the London to Brighton route which i sometimes frequent. Firstly although my memory is patchy, I am sure that I may fine I may have had I would have paid on the spot as I've had this before and I've paid the £20 for not having my Young Person's travel card on me at the time whilst in possession of an YP ticket. I have a vague memory of the said offence happening but I'm almost certain I paid the fine, that aside the original alleged fine has spiralled from what I can imagine would have been £20 to now almost £900. A terrifying escalation and one that I have literally no way of paying, more to the point a fine that I believe I've already paid! I have no idea what to do , the balliffs arrival is seemingly imminent and me being a twenty something living with similar aged friends am now panicked that I've put them all at risk etc even though I believe I've done nothing wrong. I can't get in touch with Marston as the only contact number I have for them on which I can talk to someone (the operator assisted payment line) rings three times then hangs up. I can't get throughout to HMCTS Sussex as what I believe to be the correct number, of a few contact numbers I can see listed, is constantly busy. I'm terrified and have no idea what to do and upon my recent return home now find myself worried about who's knocking at the door etc. If anyone has any experience or advice or anything man I would really appreciate it as like I say I'm at my wits' end. From the extensive research I've done these Marston Group bullies have little sympathy and even less scruples. Many thanks in advance, Oliver
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