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Everything posted by N1son

  1. sign up for the noddle credit report as its free ongoing unlike the trial versions with equifax/experian - its very useful Oh and DX is a big help and he's already on your thread so thats a good start!
  2. Hi, We did exactly the same thing in October last year, we were concerned that CCCS were not actually acting in our best interests and had made a couple of mistakes it turned out. It was very daunting to begin with but with some good advice from this site we are taking control and getting there. Contact all your creditors and tell them what you are doing we found that most were very helpful and we even got a months breathing space from a couple to help us get sorted! You will no doubt get some very good advice on hear from some very informed people - best of luck!
  3. We have 2 laptops a HP notebook (bought cheap for daughters homework etc) and a HP laptop (work provided) and they are both great - However they both have an annoying little foible... when you are 'scrolling' about a screen with the mouse pad a tiny scroll bar appears at the side of the pointer and the screen jumps to the top or bottom and it's really frustrating does anyone know how to get rid of this??? (I asked IT dept at work and was told 'oh it's probably in you devices - pointer/mouse settings' but I couldn't find anything tat made a difference
  4. I'm checking on Noddle and there is no 'Owner' so I'm assuming the 'lender' named is the owner of the debt?
  5. Createcard is the name of the original Lloyds credit card, listed as Lloyds TSB on the Credit file(noddle) thats the one that has had a solicitors letter from SCM Solicitors MBNA was the original lender but shows as Idem Servicing on Credit File (noddle)
  6. Both show Nov 2006 as first history on Noddle MBNA (Idem servicing) is early arrears due to not paying anything this month - they can't seem to give us the details we need to arrange a payment Status - Late Payment Lloyds Createcard showing status as default in Nov 2011 - whilst CCCS were managing our debt!!!
  7. We started dealing with our own debts after leaving CCCS and 2 of our debts (Lloyds TSB and MBNA ) are being handled by DCA's. We requested CCA's for both as we wanted to be sure of everything CCCS had been doing and didn't recognise the names payments were going to after chasing we found Wescot were dealing with the Lloyds loan and Idem were dealing with MBNA debt and we issued requests and £1 cheques to these companies. The one from Lloyds is 'a copy of the reconstituted version of your executed agreement and a signed statement of your account' - it goes on to say ... 'there is no requirement under the CCA to provide you with a copy of the original signedagreement. 'having satisfied our obligation under section 78, the agreement you have with us is fully enforceable and we shall continue to treat it as such. Since we received this letter we have had two further letters - 1 from wescot advising reduced payment would be accepted and another from SCM solicitors requiring the balance paid off within 7 days Where do we stand with this debt? idem servicing sent a copy of the CCA after request and it is not signed by me or MBNA but tick boxes next to my name and that of Jonathon Back (Director) on behalf of MBNA are both ticked (computer generated) Where do we stand with this one ? I'm not trying to get away with paying anyone but the different companies and lack of agreements seems a bit strange?
  8. Do we have to do individual or can we do a joint application - we had sole and joint accounts/loans etc with them ?
  9. If we cant recall all account numbers we've had with them (banked with them for over 20yrs before we dropped them) would they be honest and include all information they held even if we only supplied one account number?
  10. This was our first reaction but as we don't know if we had ppi or not on the loan wouldn't the fos just dismiss any correspondence?
  11. around 3 months ago my partner rang Lloyds about a loan account asking if it had ppi - we had no paperwork from the original loan - she was told yes it did and would she like to make a claim. She said yes, was transferred to another department who asked several questions and then told her the claim was now in progress. We then got a letter telling us the loan didn't have ppi and the claim was rejected! She phoned to ask why they had told her it did and was told that it was an error and that it did have ppi and the claim was reinstated. About 4 weeks ago she rang to chase the claim and was again told it didn't have ppi, she asked for a manager and eventually spoke to one who told her she wasn't the primary account holder and they couldn't discuss with her. I then spoke to the manager who told me yes it did have ppi very sorry for problems and claim would have to be made again. I submitted a claim in writing (standard template) and received a letter telling me there was no ppi on the loan and my claim was rejected. Any suggestions other than calling the overseas call centre to go round in circles of misunderstanding and frustration??
  12. Thanks excellent answer - letter in post in the morning
  13. Hi, looking for some advice - I submitted a ppi claim to MBNA using the standard FOS questionnaire form a couple of weeks later they wrote to me asking me to contact them to verify my identity before they could progress with my claim, when after 5 attempts to get through to appropriate department (on hold for at least 15mins each time - number given on letter went to a recorded message then cut you off) I was asked to confirm my date of birth which was on the form I submitted originally!! Now 2 further weeks later I got a text message today saying " To help us investigate your complaint we require some additional information. Please call us on 01244 672143 & our specialised team will be able to help you" Is this standard practice? Do I ignore or call them - I think if they are investigating my complaint they have all the information required on the claim form? Any help gratefully received
  14. Thanks Dx it just seems like a delay tactic to me or as my OH sees it an attempt at skulduggery !!!
  15. Hi I Recently made a ppi claim to Tesco credit card they responded saying they had signed agreement showing I had requested the cover, the thing is I applied for the card online so they cannot have a 'signed' copy of any agreement. I sent a letter disputing their response and asked for a copy of the cca enclosing the cheque for £1. I have now received a letter asking for my signature Dear Mr ****** Thank you for your recent letter requesting personal data held by the bank We require a specimen signature supplied with this request that must match that of which we have on record and to ensure that we are releasing the account information to the correct party we need to verify your identity so please return a copy of this letter containing your signature On receipt of this we will verify the signature and any information required will be forwarded to you. Question - is this their way of getting my signature so they can copy onto an agreement or a genuine requirement? I'm thinking if I sign over the type they would struggle to copy it ? Any advice gratefully received or a copy of any relevant reply letter Ta
  16. Hi as a relative newcomer (having lurked for some time) we've taken the bull by the horns and ditched CCCS and started to sort our mess out ourselves - thanks to those who have already given advice. We did take one piece of advice and request a CCA from Cabot who are the fourth creditor on one particular debt (citicard then clarity then opus now cabot) They have written back to say "Cabot financial do not currently have this information on file. However, we have requested the relevant information under section 77 and/or 78 of the consumer credit act 1974 from the original lender. We anticipate we will be able to provide this information within 40 days. In the event we are unlikely to obtain this information within this time frame we will write to you accordingly. In the meantime we recommend that you maintain your monthly repayments of £xx.xx towards this account. For your ease of reference the outstanding balance is £xxxx.xx" My query is how to proceed - do we continue to pay the agreed amount as part of our DMP now self managed or do we ride it out hoping that it becomes unenforceable?? Any advice gratefully received
  17. It's a bit of a sneaky trick following advice from someone on this forum, send a cheque for a lesser amount than the debt with a letter stating it is sent in full and final settlement if they cannot agree to accept the amount return the cheque. Theory being they will seperate the cheque and letter in the post room bank the cheque then deal with the letter afterwards when it's too late. The cheque has on the reverse ' only to be banked as full and final settlement of account number xxxx' It's sneaky I know and may be returned but we thought we would try it with one of the smallest debts £47 with a cheque for £15 to be honest they have had hundreds and hundreds of pounds from unfair charges from us over the 18 years I banked with them so it's fair enough - wouldn't dream of doing it with a substantial debt.
  18. It shows as Credit Card from Idem Capital Securities - doesn't show any history of previous credits in the chain and is 'up to date' with no defaults since 01/2008 although some 1/2 late payments which were caused by the transfer I presume or CCCS were late paying? Sorry ignore that - wrong account ! It shows as a default in October 2011 but no mention of previous accounts
  19. It shows as Credit Card from Idem Capital Securities - doesn't show any history of previous credits in the chain and is 'up to date' with no defaults since 01/2008 although some 1/2 late payments which were caused by the transfer I presume or CCCS were late paying?
  20. Hi DX, thanks yes we spotted that during many research sessions on here! Update on the Cabot debt this was originally a citi card sold(?) to clarity then opus and now with Cabot so we are requesting a CCA just to see what happens
  21. Have sent a full and final settlement letter to LLoyds with a 3rd party cheque as seen on Andie_303's post it's only a small amount so it's worth a punt ??
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