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Everything posted by sumer

  1. thanks emmz for response and steam for jioning. answers to steam I wrote to director about our meeting which culprit made aware of . it has not been investigated .criminal got sacked, crime was reported to police. Just before store closure ,hr manager asked me about my ex employer on phone where my manager made technical error and we both lost job, this never mentioned before . i had been relocated before in this company and never was asked this .I emailed hr mgr to ask reason for asking me this , he did not reply to my question and said we talk soon .that never happened .I feel im being harasssed. I achieved highest scores in annual appraisal but refused pay rise . even new store has bigger turn over . deteriment At time of store closure 2 store were available for manager positions one was closer at 4 miles . i was sent to14 miles away against my wishes, Now I need to know my reporting crime was it protected disclosure ? I have evidence who told asst mgr abuot my presence at h.o this is what i wantedo get investigated . it has not happened will not happen as informer and hr manger are close friends. my security was put at risk as culprit was aware of my movements .victmisation Besides their chip n pin system not working correctly . I emailed head of IT dept (cc director) who reffered to extenal team they found system was alterted . this is another whistle blow matter please feel free to give your opinions and advice
  2. Thanks again emmz for response . I guess I was proetcing public interests by reporting some one stealing customers ( public) card details . thats public interest. Also reportig a criminal offence falls under protected disclosure I have made a complaint to the director about confidetial meeting . As some one told culprit when I went to see the director to report , which is breach of confidetial information. please clarify if im wrong and advise
  3. Thanks emmz for your reply Resignation that's what i was thinking . Having said that and being whistle blower should I do prep for tribunal .
  4. Hi guys again please give your suggestions or advice if possible
  5. Hi again, I am back again for your help. This time is about my detriment . shop was closed down within 2 weeks of my reporting the crime . 1- My complaint letter about confidential information breach to director was forward to Hr manager who has not responded or investigated .it was emailed 5 weeks agao . 2- MY all staff had first consultaion including myself but I was not consulted in second meeting . I was sent to another shop 14 miles away from my home even there was another similar vacancy avaialable just at 4 miles distance . I did mention in my first consulation ,I wanted the shop which is nearer to my home .I was told this shop have some issues .Quite recently I have found out they have recruited an external manager for that shop . 3- My new asst manager was given pay increase .I was denied pay rise and told I have to prove and wait another 6 months even though I had highest score in annnual appraisal done by dist manager. 4- Besides above reasosns . I was threaten by HR amanger extract from my first post : (I was asst manager in my previous employment 4 year ago before I started with this company where my manager made a technical error and we both lost jobs One day HR manager ranged me and deplomatically asked about my previous employment which never had been a problem before . to my previous employer reference when Hr manager called me ) I have been so week and suffering from stomch upset thinking all this happening to me and being treated like I am the cause of this whole matter . All above actions and acts definitely prove that I am being victimised and no matter what I have no future in this company . I am scared to raise any grievances as I have to face their anger again my letter to director about my confidetial information caused upset in head office . Please advise how should I proceed now
  6. Hi, I was at h.o the other day and come across HR. He mentioned about my complaint to dirctor who asked him to invsetigate. He was saying in very light mood nothing will affect me any more and I dont need to worry . Also he mentioned police has not provided him any crime reference about the incident and he is disappionted with this. Seems like things are very calm .
  7. Hi Feebee, I have managed to get staff handbook which consisted of grievances and disciplinary policies. Don't think they have data protection and whisle blowing policy made aware to any one . If I request them from HR means alerting them . Thanks for a great tip about detrimental element, I didn't think about it before now I will . I might need help on this area as well .
  8. Thanks bankfolder and Partick for responding . I have been making notices as advised by folder and keeping record as much as I can . Two of my staff had given me statements already during my own investigation before I reported to the director , one is about the training manager,s call made to ask for culprit,s home number and second is about culprit ( asst manager) stopping my store supervisor not to tell me about parcels . Patrick - HR has already reported to the police and he informed me about this which I agreed as I wanted to do this myself.
  9. Hi All, I am a manager in fashion retail shop . My assisiatnt manager was stealing customer credit c details to shop on line and getting delivered to our store without my knowledge . 29th Dec , I worn my assistant manager uniform jacket by mistake, I felt some bulky stuff in his pocket when pulled it out they were credit card nos written in his own hand writting , I was shoked but not surprise Because I always had suspicion he was upto some thing . I already noticed there were few parcel deliveries on my holidays and days off .After asking other staff , I established this delivery business is some thing related to these c numbers. I knew already he has a few aquitances in H.O and even area manager wont help me(for reasons) I contacted one of the director and asked for meeting and on the same day his friend phoned in store and asked culprit home telephone number from one of my staff . I presented all evidences to director and requested full investaigation and possibly his suspension . Next day when I came back to work he( asst manager) said to me that he knew I was in h..o. I was not surprised again because someone his (friend) saw me with director in H.O. I asked him (asst man) if you know I was in h.o . you must know then why I was there . He lost in thoughts then I asked him you want to tell me any thing before I contact police , he admitted his fraud to me . I called HR manager to come around early who suppose to have a meeting on same day with me arranged by director for investigation, HR manager is also friend of assistant manger Prior to see culprit , HR manager and myself had brief meeting outside store and then went to see culprit who admitted his offence and resigned . HR manager and culprit's friend who is training manager are very close freinds and they both work together , This makes me more worry about reprisal . My Company recently decided to close the store which is anticipated.I was asst manager in my previous employment 4 year ago before I started with this company where my manager made a technical error and we both lost jobs One day HR manager ranged me and deplomatically asked about my previous employment which never had been a problem before . I knew that training manager had been recieving gifts from my asst manager also he is the one who definetly told culprit about my meeting . Hr manager is protecting him now and playing mind games with me , Recently I have sent an email to director and asked him to investigate breach of our secrect and confidencial meeting without mentioning any names. To my surprise he sounds a bit concened why I didnt told him before and does'nt seems very happy with my email., He passed on the matter to HR manager to invetigate. I would like to know where I stand now I have family and dont want to lose job but at the same time can not tolerate dishonest people who can any time take revenge . Your opinions and advise will be appreciated .
  10. Thanks Gb for providing above link
  11. Hi GB, Sorry i was away from net . Thanks for your reply Im not registered as self employed (registered as self assessement) should I fill in self employed section in renewal form ? . My company account is (11-2011) not submitted . And also should I register self employed?
  12. Hi alls, I need help to calrify my postion . I am director of ltd company and full time employee in another company During the year 2011 -2012. My company is in loss and I hardly worked even a few hours a week as director . The questions I need to ask to fill my renewal tax credit pack : 1- Does a director has to be registered as self employed or company employee even I am full time PAYE registered in another company where my main income comes from ( I am regisrered to send self assessment and recieved UTR no.) 2- I decared 40 working hours as full time employee on my claim ,do I need to tell tax credit (hmrc) my unpaid working hours as director even I have not taken any financial benefits from my company (salary or dividend). YOUR HELP WILL HELP ME
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