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  1. Hi All, loads of good information on this site but i couldn't find anything quite like my situation and i would like some advise please. I started Uni in Sept. 94 and was due to complete in 98 a 4 year sandwich degree (i actually completed the sandwich year and returned to Uni for the start of the last year but i don't think i had a loan for that year), i had a change of circumstances at the start of 98 and left the country (suddenly) without completing the course or even notifying anybody of the fact that i had left with no intentions of returning. I had taken out loans for those years that i attended, grants as they were back then, i don't actually remember anything about them, amounts or any detail, i was married with two young babies at the time and needed the money just to keep going, anyway, i ended up leaving the country and have never returned back to the UK since. Anyway to cut a long story short, i don't know if i even got any qualification out of it nor was i knowledgeable about repaying my debts, i always thought i would have the time to do this later but never did. I am still living out of the country and never returned but i always had this nagging guilt about repaying this and wondering if i actually did get any qualification out of it, so i would like to find out about that and to repay my debts. I worry about calling the University and giving any information that could allow them to track me down to start any legal proceedings but i still want to repay but under my own terms, any advise here for me?
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