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  1. Hi Lee from Vodafone. I have also just sent in an email via that link regarding my account that Capital Credit Management have alleged I am responsible for. Please get back to me when possible with advice. Thank you
  2. Very good point! Luckily I haven't made any payment as I don't owe them a thing, but when I've requested proof of the debt, they just threaten with court. Thanks for pointing that out.
  3. Michelle, if your willing to contact a debt management plan, you might aswell contact each loan company by phone, explain you can't afford to pay and offer 1/4 of your debt amount as a repayment each month. You will default, but this isn't as bad as a debt management plan. The loan companies won't charge interest on your repayment period either, so well worth trying for. Regarding quick quid, use their online chat, explain you can't afford to repay your loan. They will offer you a Pre Default Payment Plan, interest free for a certain period. Don't roll it over as you will pay more money! Wonga will do the same. Swift Stirling, forget it, they are trash. Just offer a reasonable amount and stop it going to debt collectors. Never hide from these debts or companies. Just phone them, be honest and upfront. If you can't afford the phone number, search a website called saynoto 0870 .com and enter the company name and hopefully get a free phone number. Hope this helps.
  4. Don't ever get an extension on any payday loan. Call them or use live chat on their website, explaining you can't pay in full. They will always (usually) give you 1 Pre Default plan every 12 months, which allows you to repay them, interest free, at 1/4 of the debt amount each month, I.e £400 would be £100 a month. This won't affect your credit history if you do it once, and pay on time each month, interest free.
  5. They are an absolute disgrace. I've been accused of having a debt for hundreds of pounds which is not mine. They use "fishing" techniques to find victims, they send letters to all the known people of a certain name in a certain area , claiming they owe money, then hope the "guilty" one phones in and pays the debt. They have no more power than what your paperboy has. The company has changed name various times as they have been faced with losing their license due to breaches in their trading. Basically a bunch of cowboy bully's who will say anything to get money. If you have any dealing with them and you are getting nowhere, immediately email the directors STaylor @capitalcm.co.uk and RHowlett @capitalcm.co.uk stating that you do not want to be contacted any way except email and you do not authorise any visit to your property. If they break this, they are breaching their license, UNTIL they prove that you owe them money then they can contact all they want. If they cannot or will not prove the debt is yours, simply ignore it. Of course if they continue to harass you, report them to the Office of Fair Trading. There is also a link on the national debt line website where you can get a template letter to send them, this will either stop them contacting you, or force them to give you proof of the debt. They will need this to ever get a penny out of you in a small claims court. Keep all evidence of abuse and harassment as this will go against them. Of course of the debt is yours and you just won't pay it, they can and probably will take you to a small claims court where you will have to pay them the money either way, just with a lot more costs involved. If you are paying them what you can afford, and they won't accept it, simply log on to their website and make manual card payments for what you can afford. They won't waste money taking you to court if your actually paying them, because they have no case - your paying the debt. Everyone needs to get together if you have problems with these pathetic individuals. Without people's advise and help, the bully's will continue to wean money from people using scare tactics, even if you don't owe them a penny!! If you do contact them by post, get every piece of mail recorded. My advice is use email, as mentioned above.
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