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Everything posted by JoeBudden

  1. If they issue a claim though, will the £50 offer still be on the table or will they proceed with court action even if I later say I'll accept the offer?
  2. Haha any advice? Don't fancy getting took to court or having a judgement thing against me, I don't know what one is but it can't be good
  3. Just received another letter, this time it's a 5 pager! Basically just looking for advice again please guys, kinda worried about them taking me to county court (whatever the **** that is)
  4. Right guys, thanks a lot. Am I best just ignoring them from now on yeah? If you had to say, what's the likelihood anything will come of this? (court/bailiffs etc..)
  5. I thought they had taken people to court before, albeit they lost apparently, but still..
  6. Got another letter just now: Any advice guys? The letter they're responding to was a simple denial of any liability and refusal to enter into any more contact, as I was told to do by members of this site. Any help would be great
  7. Really? I'll send a letter of denial on monday and see what happens from there. Thanks everyone
  8. No, to be honest I COMPLETELY forgot about RLP the day after I received their 2nd letter, until I got another one today. Any suggestions?
  9. I had a look over it a few weeks ago mate. What happens when/if they pass it on to a DCA? Do they just do the same thing, send threatening letters but have no legal grounds whatsoever?
  10. Decided to ignore the last letter, but this came in the post just now: I know the aim is to intimidate their clients but it's working. Can they still issue the matter to police, over a month after it happened? + the bit about bailiffs to my address doesn't sound too appealing to be quite honest. Any help greatly appreciated guys
  11. Just received this letter: "Dear Mr ******* (Spelled my surname wrong again) Our Client: Tesco Incident: ****** on 7th July We write further to our letter of 11th July 2012. Our records indicate that you have not contacted us to settle the claim, or to dispute liability. Our clients offer of a contribution of £87.50 to settle this matter is still on offer. In the absence of any response, our client is entitled to pursue the full value of the claim rather than the contribution you have been offered. Our client is determined to make full use of civil law remedies including Court action if necessary, to recover its losses caused by your wrongful actions. You are required, under the Practice Direction relating to Pre Action Conduct under the Civil Procedures Rules 1998, to respond to us to advise whether you wish to settle the claim, whether you wish to defend the claim, or whether you require more time to respond. As failure to respond may result in costs sanctions if yo later seek to rely upon a Defense which is not notified to us prior to the issue of proceedings, we again urge you to seek some independent legal advice. Should you wish to settle the claim, our collections department can take payment b credit or debit card on 0844 245 1145. Other payment options are detailed on the back of this letter. If you are unable to settle the claim in one payment, you may contact us to request an assessment of your financial circumstances, our collections department can advise you whether it is appropriate for you to settle the claim by way of installments. We require a response or payment from you within 14 days of the date of this letter, in order to prevent further action being taken. Yours sincerely (unidentifiable signature) Retail Loss Prevention Limited." Any advice guys? Am I actually REQUIRED to reply by law or is this more gobbledegook they've made up?
  12. Decided to not even send them any sort of letter and just ignore them completely, for the time being. Expecting a letter soon as the 3 week limit they gave me to reply or pay is almost up
  13. Sorry I'm just a bit worried. I'll send them the one liner and report back when they reply. Thanks for all your help everyone!
  14. Would you recommend ignoring them completely or writing to them with the one liner? Yeah I'm not proud of it, I'd had a few drinks and it was a stupid mistake but my mum would literally kill me if people started knocking on the house for money and stuff, especially after I told her I'm not paying it, she'll think I just didn't want to pay it, rather than me not actually having to.
  15. She knows about the letter now, she read it but she said pay it. I was suspicious so I googled it, ended up here, found out they are fraudsters and told her that I don't legally have to pay and she wasn't happy, so I can only imagine how she'l react when people start knocking/ringing
  16. Just realised aswell, these people have even spelled my surname wrong on the letter they sent.
  17. It's either that or have my mum throw me out or something if they come/phone the house. She won't believe that I don't HAVE to pay it, so when it gets further down the line to the point of DCA's or court cases she won't be happy whatsoever
  18. My mum will go absolutely mad if I have people phoning the house/knocking on the house asking for me/money though. I might let them send a few more letters then offer to pay a reduced sum, a VERY reduced sum. Not a chance am I paying £88 when there was no loss whatsoever to Tesco
  19. Sorry to be a pest, but I'm still not sure what's best to do? Shall I just ignore them or write a letter denying any liability to them or their clients? I just read through the "My son was sacked from Tesco.." thread and it seems he's had a lot of grief from phonecalls and DCA's etc..
  20. Cheers mate. Just worried that either a) I'll have to go court and pay more or B) Debt collectors start knocking on the door, in which case my mum will go mad. But both of these are highly unlikely, right?
  21. Just had a little look at a few threads but tbh I don't really understand much of it
  22. Yeah I've read through quite a few now but I guess I just want reassurance haha thanks for all your help. Will update when I get another stupid [edit] letter from them
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